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Chapter 17


Edward sat on the couch, and put my feet over his legs. I felt comfortable like this. My leg felt hollow. “Bella, may I check your leg, it might be broken from a medal, maybe.” Carlisle asked. I trusted Carlisle. Not because he is my father-in-law, I trusted him because he was a great doctor. So, I nodded. He kneeled in front of Edward and started to check my leg. “Go get my bag Alice.” Carlisle asked. Alice nodded and left. She came back in less than a minute. Alice handed him the bag and ran next to Jaspers side, frowning. I didn’t know why she was upset. Maybe she was upset about Nessie. The front door opened and closed shut, hard. “Mom?” I heard someone say. Then I saw Nessie. She looked like she had been crying. “Mom!” She sobbed. She ran to my side and held my hand. I was still shock and mad at her after what she said to me. “Mom, I’m so sorry. I didn’t really mean that.” She apologized. I felt a bit happier, but she is still grounded. “Please forgive me?” She begged. I smiled at her. Then I looked at Edward. I opened my mind for him to read. I let him read my mind, for now. “Should I ground her?” I asked in mind. Edward smiled and shook his head. I smiled at him. Then I looked at Nessie. “Nessie, Of course I forgive you” I told her. I knew it would be wrong to ground her. I would never do that to her. Edward and Carlisle is looking and talking over my leg and how it was probably got hurt. Something pointy pinched my leg. I felt the pain. I cried, and Edward, suddenly, grabbed my waist and I was on his lap. His arms are circled around me, tight. I felt his lips at my ear. “Shh, Bella, love. It’s alright. You’re going to be fine.” He whispered. I took two sharp breaths and laid my head on his chest, content. Then I felt another sharp pain on my leg. I squealed. Edward’s arms were tightening me every time I cry. Edward kept whispering in my ear, calming me down. After that was done, Edward still kept me on his lap, while Nessie was sleeping next to us. “Alright Bella. You will feel better in a couple of days.” Carlisle said. I nodded. I still felt the pain. Carlisle gave me a shot to help my wounded leg. I felt the medicine coming through up my leg and thighs. It felt tingly. My eyes closed and hid my face on Edward’s warm chest. The pain was fading away, and I started to feel a lot better. The family left so that I can be alone, and Nessie could sleep peacefully. Edward’s arms tighten me. My eyes fluttered open and saw that Edward’s lips were close to my cheek. He brushed his lips on my cheek and started to kiss me. I released my hands and put them on his hair. My fingers got tangled in his hair. I felt his lip curve up and I let go. He chuckled under his breath. I smiled. “Are you feeling any better love?” He asked. I nodded and my smile was even wider. I leaned my head back on his chest and I felt like napping.

It was almost an hour or two that I have been napping on Edward’s chest. When I woke up, I was suddenly on a bed. There were warm arms around me; they tighten when I struggled to remove them. I felt lips at my ear. “Bella, love. Are you awake?” Edward asked. I nodded, and tried to remove his arms from my waist. I felt him frown. I hurt his feelings. “Edward, I need to get up and stretch out my leg. I feel stiff.” I said, trying to make him feel better. I heard him sigh, and dropped his arms. I got up and started to stretch out my leg. I felt better now. Edward came to my side and grabbed my hand. “I need to tell you something Bella.” Edward said, urgent. I let him take me to Nessie’s room. Nessie’s room? I didn’t know what was going on, but I tried to read Edward’s face if he is worried about something. But it was impossible to read his face. The whole family was in Nessie’s room except for Nessie. Where was she? Was she in the living room, finishing up her homework? Edward sat me down on the bed next to Esme. She put her hand around my shoulder. “What’s going on?” I asked. I started to get worried now. “Where is Nessie and EJ?” Edward help up one finger to stop me for asking anything else. “You are going to see what is going to happen. And Nessie is in the living room watching TV, while EJ is with Rosalie in his room.” Esme said to me. I felt the atmosphere around me, making me feel relaxed. Jasper was using his gift. Carlisle came to put one hand on his Edward’s shoulder. “I think it’s time to tell her, son.” Carlisle whispered to Edward. I looked at them confused. “What’s going on? Is anyone going to tell me?” I said at the same time when Edward whispered to Carlisle. “I don’t know. She might freak out and kill him.” Kill him? Kill who? Is someone trying to hurt my daughter? My family? “Bella, love.” Edward was talking to me now. “We need you to calm down. And don’t freak out when we tell you what’s going on. Promise?” I took a deep breath and whispered “I promise.” Everyone sat around me on Nessie’s bed, making sure I won’t freak out, and kill whoever they were talking about. Alice, out of nowhere, stand next to Edward. “Alice saw something that we all need to talk about.” Edward said. Alice nodded. “I saw that…Nessie is going to…” She stopped mid-sentence to look over at her brother. “She is going to what?” I asked her. She looked at me. Esme, started to whisper in my ear. “Just don’t freak-out. Stay calm Bella.” Alice looked at Edward again, and he nodded. She took a deep breath. “Nessie said yes to Jacob. They are going to get married on October first.” Alice said. Anger went through me. I wanted to kill Jacob and ground Nessie for saying yes to him. Carlisle on the other side held on to my arm, carefully. Esme was holding my arm tight, like tug of war. I took two deep breaths to calm myself down.  “She…said…yes…to…him?” I said. Everyone nodded. My breathing came uneven. Edward kneeled beside me, taking my hands in his. “Calm down Bella. She was right when she said that we got married when we were young. So, let’s let her finally fine someone she truly loves.” Edward told me. I closed my eyes and nodded. He and Nessie was right. I finally found my voice and said “Your right. Nessie is old enough to get marry now.” And I added “So she’s getting married tomorrow?” I opened my eyes and saw that Alice was the only one who nodded. I token another breath and sighed. My loch ness monster named daughter is marrying my best friend who saw her be born and grow into a young lady. Everything was quiet except for the volume of the TV in the living room. Edward was the one who broke the silence. “They want our blessings. You and I.” Edward said. I struggled with the hands on my arms and they dropped their hands off of my arm. Edward got up and held my hand. We both walked into the living room to give Nessie our blessings and gave it to Jacob. I was sure that Jacob can and I will protect my daughter from any dangers he will probably put her in. But I trusted Jacob with all my heart. Unless if my heart was still pounding and it was red and not white and stone. Edward and I are about to give our daughter away to my friend. A friend who marked her, forever.

Midnight sunजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें