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Chapter 9





Me and Edward went out hunting. EJ and Nessie were with Alice and Jasper. Our hunting went a little longer then last time. When we got home, I forgot to buy a present for Jacob. Since he had been with Nessie so long and never broke her heart. When I told Edward, his face looked like he was in pain. But he just nodded. I took Nessie because she wants to buy him the gift. When we were leaving the store, Nessie started to walk down to street and I told her to wait for me but she didn't listen. The light turned green and a car was about to hit her. I quickly ran to her in human speed "Nessie watch out!" I screamed at her. She looked at me and looked at a car that was about to hit her. She started to scream. I pushed her out of the way. The car came to me and I fell down hard. My brain was beating like it was punched like a punching bag. Then I suddenly felt like I was being carried. It was Nessie that was carrying me to the side. I heard her dialing the phone and answered. "Dad? Please come here quickly" She cried. I couldn't hear anymore and I started to drift. I couldn't remember anything; it felt like I lost my memories. My eyes were closed shut and I felt air beneath me. Two hands on me were carrying me inside a warm car. My memories were gone. I couldn’t remember anything. All I could remember was that I got hit by a car and everything gone black.


I think I was lying across the table. But then I heard beeping noises. I thought I was in the hospital, but hospitals are very busy and there’s a lot of talking. But here, there was less talking. My volume on my ear’s where a little higher. I could hear now. “When well she open her eyes Carlisle?” A male voice said anxiously. I heard footsteps near me. Someone was holding my hand tightly. “I don’t know Edward. Ask Alice, she might know.” A velvet voice suggested. A male soft voice was at my ear and whispered “Love, please wake up!” I wanted to open my eyes to look in to his eyes but I couldn’t control my body. I felt paralyzed. “Is she gone Carlisle?” He asked. “No, something much worse.” He admitted. “What is it?” He sounded nervous. “I think she lost her memory of all of us.” He explained sadly. “Bella please don’t forget about me, please?” He begged crying for me. I didn’t remember who he was but his name sounded familiar. Then I started to flicker my eyes open. “Bella?” a familiar voice said. I sat up and my hand was on my forehead, there was something wrapped around my forehead. “Ow” I said. Then the male put his hand on my cheek and asked “Bella, do you remember me?” I looked at him. “I don’t remember anything.” I said. He sighed. “Bella, my name is Edward Cullen. Now do you remember me, I’m your husband. We are going to get your memory back alright. We are all going to help you.” He said. I nodded slowly. Why couldn’t I cry? I think I should ask the familiar male. “Why can’t I cry?” I asked him. It took him a second to answer. “It’s because you are a vampire, Bella.” He explained. “I turned you into one, so that you could live with me forever. Do you remember our wedding? When I married you under the canopy trees…”  He kept on babbling on and on, questioning me. And I couldn’t remember anything, nothing at all. He sighed and told me to stay here. He went out to the door and was talking to someone. Maybe Carlisle, the man he was talking to earlier. I could hear almost all their conversation. “I think me and Bella have to start all over again. I mean like get her memories back over again.” He said. “Probably, that is a good idea.” Carlisle answered. He was going to get my memories back? What does that mean? He was going to hit me with another car? Or I’m in a dream with him already? I was confused and I had a lot of questions I wanted to ask him. But I couldn’t, he was too busy talking probably to his father. When they were finished talking, Edward came in. “Come Bella, Lets go.” He said. I was about to speak but he started to pick me up in his arms and carry me. We were outside until he begun to run really fast that his feet wasn’t touching the floor. He stopped on the side walk, and put me down. He called his father and asked him something that I couldn’t hear. Maybe something like ‘Come and grab the car and come over here’. I stood still next to him, looking down. His voice sounded like a humming noise. He put his phone away, and we heard a car approach. Something hit my brain, probably my memory. This was the place where I got hit by the car. Then a flash back came to me. There was a young female walking down the street until I screamed at her “Nessie watch out!” Then she looked at me and looked back at the car, and she started to scream. I ran to her and pushed her out of the way and the car hit me. I gasped and jumped a little. Edward heard me and put his hands on mine. “Bella, are you all right?” He asked anxiously. “This is the place where I got hit by a car.” I explained my flash back to him. “So you only remember about the accident?” He asked. I nodded. “Do you remember anything else?” He kept asking me. I shooked my head. He sighed. Then a car pulled up. It was Carlisle, I think. I don’t remember their names. I only know Edward, and Carlisle. The other family members I really don’t know. Edward opened the back door for me, I got in without complaining. He closed it nice and shut. Then he walked to the passenger door, and got in. They were talking because I saw their lips move. The sounds that are coming from their mouths are sounding like humming noises. I couldn’t hear anything. My eyes went down to the car floor. I frowned. I didn’t want them to see my expression on my face. I hate it when I’m confused and that I don’t know why I don’t remember them; They remember me, and know a lot about me. Then the car stopped. That was fast, maybe they were driving really fast. Who knows? The front door opened and closed. I looked up and Edward opened the door for me. I got out and stayed still next to him. I looked up where we were, but I couldn’t see much. It was getting dark, but then the red lights flash and hit my eyes. I blinked twice and looked closely. It was ‘North Hemisphere Airport’. Why was he taking me here? Edward closed the door and went to the passenger window that was already down. Again, I couldn’t hear what they were talking about, their sounds were a hum. Carlisle gave Edward two pieces of paper. Edward leaned out and the car went fast that you couldn’t see it. Edward took my hand gently and took me in. Our flight was leaving already in five minutes. Edward quickly ran and took me with him inside the plane. It was first class tickets he bought. I never went to first class before. Then another flash back hit me; it was me and Edward in first class. I was on his lap, and I was kissing him. Then I gasped at the flashback like the other one. Edward heard me and asked me if I was alright. I nodded and told him what I saw. He nodded and smiled. “I knew this was a great idea” He muttered almost to himself. Weird, I feel like I have some kind of powers that can show me flashbacks where I was before the accident. The plane was about to land and morning was coming up. Edward got up and took my hand. I noticed that the plane had landed. I got up and he walked me toward the door of the plane and we got out. There was a taxi waiting for us, maybe Edward called the taxi man. I didn’t know where we were but another flash back came to me. It was me, I was human? I got out of the plane and a police officer was waiting for me to come in the cruiser. I didn’t even gasp this time. All I did was take a deep breath and let it out. Edward held the door for me and I got in. He got in next to me and told the man to go somewhere that I didn’t want to hear. The taxi driver nodded and turns the car on. The taxi stopped and turned the car off. Edward paid the man and we got out. The taxi left in a hurry and Edward grabbed me. He carried me and ran into the forest. My eyes were on his face, trying to remember everything. But I couldn’t put my tongue on it. I know his name sounds similar, but his face isn’t. His feet touched the ground and he put me down. He sat next to me. “Bella this was our meadow, remember?” He asked. His voice sounded unsecure. I heard my brain click and felt a punch on it. It was another flashback. This flashback shows that I’m in the meadow, with Edward. He started to purpose to me here. I lost the flash back, because Edward kissed me. Then he let go of me. My eyes were wide. “I’m sorry Bella, but I want you to remember us. I love you. You are my wife. And you have two kids.” He reminded me. My eyes were still wide. I just remembered him, and this meadow. We were back home, in Forks. I blinked three times and said “Edward?” He looked at me and thought that I already know his name. “What Bella?” He asked. Then I remembered about me and Edward. Just him I remembered. “I…I remember you.” I admitted. I laughed once. He smiled and kissed me. He leaned me on the grass. I put my hands around his neck and made out with him. I finally remember him.

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