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Chapter 12






The sun was shining from the windows of our cottage, and I noticed that it was morning. Today was the first day of high school for Nessie. She was excited, that she ran around the couch. I was in the kitchen cooking up Nessie’s snack and lunch for school. I hope she doesn’t expose us. Edward was somewhere around here, but I didn’t care where he is. Just as long as he comes home. I thought about where he might be. But I couldn’t figure it out. I put Nessie’s lunch in her lunch box. Nessie was on the couch, tried of running. I went to wake her up from her nap, and get ready for school. So instead, I picked her up and took her to her room. She always wakes up when I pick her up from her nap. I let her change by herself. I went to pack up everything for her. Then the knock on the door startled me. I went to go get it. It was Alice. “Hey Bella!” She waved. “Hi” I responded. She looked upset. “What’s wrong?” I asked. “Can I take Nessie to her school? Please?” She begged. I sighed and nodded. “Yay, thank you Bella!” She jumped. “I will go get my car.” Then she left. I sighed and went back to see if Nessie was finished. She was all packed and ready. My little girl, growing up so fast. I didn’t want her to leave. I carried her to the house. Alice was already in the car. Nessie put her backpack in the back of the car and then she hugged me good bye. I already missed her. Then, she was gone. I ran back to the house. I sat on the couch and watched TV. Edward been gone for a long time now. It wasn’t like him to be gone for a long time. Then I felt eyes on me. I looked to see who it was. Edward. He was sitting next to me. I went to sit on his lap. His arms were around me, holding me tighter to his chest. I sighed and closed my eyes, content. “Are you alright love?” Edward asked. I didn’t trust my velvet voice so I nodded. He tilted his head to see my face. I opened my eyes to meet his gaze. His eyes narrowed. “It’s just that…Nessie is growing up so fast and…” I couldn’t finish my thought. I knew, I had EJ. But she was my first daughter and a beautiful one. She has my looks and Edwards. EJ is different to the three of us. I wished I had him in my arms. But he was sleeping in his crib. Then something hit me. I just remembered something. “Edward?” I asked. He looked right into my eyes and said. “Yes, love?” I hesitated. “Aren’t we supposed to be in collage?” I asked. He looked puzzled at first, and then he knew what I asked. “Well since you hit your head, I didn’t know if you will remember, so I told the lady in the office that we had an accident and that we won’t be back.” He said. “Oh” was all I could say. I closed my eyes, content, and my head on his chest. His arms tightened around me, holding me tight against his chest. Then I felt his hand rubbing my arm. He was comforting me. It felt nice. I sighed. Edward’s head tilted but I shook my head. It felt like hours or days. Nessie was home, doing her homework, Edward and I are going hunting, Alice and Jasper are babysitting, and Rosalie, Emmett, Carlisle, and Esme are looking to see where we should go for the winter break. It started to snow in the meadow. We were done in five minutes. Then we went home, hand and hand. We heard Nessie snoring, sleeping on her bed, when we came in. She looked like she was a baby again. EJ was also sleeping in his crib. My two children, sleeping like an angel. Edward and I were all alone together. We both sat at the couch, I was sitting on Edward’s lap. Then a memory came up in my mind. “Edward?” I asked. I don’t know if I should tell him. “Yes, love?” He answered. I took a deep breath. His arms tighten around me. “Since, Nessie and Jacob are…dating,” I didn’t finish. He was waiting patiently for the rest. “We should tell Jacob not tell Nessie what happened when I was human. And what happened with Jake and I.” I finished. Edward’s golden eyes were closed. “I think we should tell Nessie. She will find out soon.” He said with his eyes still closed. I put my hands on either side of his face. “Edward, we shouldn’t. I want Nessie and Jacob to be happy. Just like you, you make me happy.” I said. Then I kissed him on the cheek. He smiled and I smiled back. He leaned closer and crushed his lips on mine. His arms tighten around me. Then light footsteps were coming closer. My lips departed and I smiled. Nessie woked up. “Hey sweetie. You woke up a bit early.” I observed. I got off of Edwards lap and went to get Nessie’s hand and put her between me and Edward on the couch. She laid her head on my arm. I put one hand around her. “I’m going to get her something to eat.” Edward said. He got up and kissed both of our foreheads and went to get Nessie something to eat. “Did you do your homework?” I asked her. She nodded without a word. I rubbed her arm. I wanted to tell her about what happened when I was human, but I couldn’t. I won’t ruin Jacob and Nessie’s happiness. But Edward is right, she might know. The knock on the door startled Nessie. Edward ran to get it. “Come on in.” I heard Edward say to someone. Then I knew who was here. Jacob. Nessie looked up and smiled that she saw Jacob. I heard a cry of a baby. I got up and ran to get EJ. Then I ran back. “Jacob may I speak to you alone?” I asked Jacob. He nodded and I walked in EJ’s room with Jacob behind. Jacob closed the door behind him. “So what do you want to talk about?” He asked. I took a deep breath and remembered that EJ is in my arms. “Don’t tell Nessie what happened between us when I was human.” I told him. He was confused at first but then realized what I was talking about. He nodded. Edward came in and took my hand. “Edward, what’s going on?” I asked. He stopped and turned around. “We should tell Jacob to stay away from Nessie.” He said. My mouth opened and said. “Edward, you know you can’t stop them from seeing each other.” I said, shocked. “I know Bella, but…The Volturi might know about this.” He answered. He took my hands in to his. “Maybe we should tell Nessie.” Edward suggested. I looked at him, shocked. How could he think that? I shook my head. “No, Edward. Not until her birthday passes and when she is older.” I said. Edward squeezed my hands. “Bella, it’s time to tell her. She’s old enough to understand.” He encouraged me. I nodded, not trusting my voice. Edward pulled me to him; I laid my head on his chest. He started to rub my arm, trying to sooth me. Jacob left early because his dad called for him to come home. Nessie was in her room doing her homework. Edward went hunting with Esme and Carlisle. I went to Nessie’s room and closed the door behind me. I sat at the edge of her bed. She moved her books aside and went to sit next to me. “Um…Sweetie, we need to talk.” I said. She looked at me confused. “It’s about what happened when I was human,” I try to explain quickly. “When your father was protecting me from the Newborn armies, he took me to Jacob’s,” Nessie flinched at the word, but l continued. “He took me for a walk down at the beach, and he said that…he loved me. And that I should choose him instead of your father.” I said quickly. “Then what happened? Did you choose dad or Jacob?” Nessie asked. I smiled. “Who do you think I love most?” I asked her, still smiling. “Oh! Dad, of course.” She said, hitting her forehand with her hand. I laughed. “And so, he grabbed my chin, holding really tight, and he leaned down…” I couldn’t finish the sentence. “And what happen? Please continue?” She begged. I don’t know if I can tell her. Her heart might be broken. “He put his hand on the back of my neck and he…he kissed me.” I explained quickly. I looked into her eyes and it looks like she was about to cry. “But I tried to pull him off me but he kept on kissing me.” I defended myself. Then there was moisture in her eyes. I put my arm around her but she shrugged away. She got up, crying, and went to the bathroom. I ran, and knocked on the door. “Nessie? Can I come in?” I asked. I heard water running in the sink. “No! Just leave me alone!” She screamed. “Sweetie, it was a long time ago. Please can you open the door?” I begged her. I heard a swish sound behind me. Then white arms were around my waist. “What’s wrong?” Edward asked in my ear. I sighed. “Nessie threw a fit when I told her what happened.” I explained. I heard Edward hissed in my ear. I stared at him, confused. The door, of the bathroom door open. Nessie stomped her feet all the way to the kitchen grabbing the phone. “Nessie what are you doing?” I demanded. Nessie dialed the numbers angrily. Edward and I walked over to the kitchen. Nessie put the phone on her ear and waited. “Jacob, come over right now!” Nessie screamed in the phone. Now I feel afraid. Edward squeezed me. Then Nessie put the phone back, hard, that it almost broke the wall. Nessie went to the front door and waited for Jacob to come. I sighed, and removed Edward’s hands from my waist. I went to Nessie. “Nessie, what are you doing?” I whispered to her. She sighed angrily and looked at me. “I’m…Going to…tell Jacob to leave me alone and never comeback.” She rushed and she looked back at the door. I feel so bad right now. I wanted to tell Nessie ‘Don’t do this to Jacob, Nessie. You and Jacob are perfect together.’ There was a sudden knock on the door that startled me. Nessie opened the door and had an angry look on her face. I wonder what my face looks like to Nessie and Jacob. Jacob looked confused, why Nessie is angry at him. Nessie grabbed Jacob’s hand and towed him toward her room. When they got in, Nessie slammed the door, hard. I sighed with frustration. Edward came to my side and put his hands around my waist again. Then I felt his lips at my ear. “Everything is going to be fine, love.”  He comforted me. I nodded. “You’re probably right.” I said. Then Edward and I heard Screaming and crying. My eyes widened and I stopped breathing and Edward did to. Then I saw Jacob stomping out, angrily, to the door. He paused and turned to look at me. “Thank you Bella. Thank you really!” He yelled at me. Edward growled at him, and Jacob left. I started to sob and I turned to sob on Edwards’s chest. He soothed my arm, calming me down. His arms tighten around me.


It’s been five days since Nessie talked to me. After what happened to Jacob and her. Edward stopped hunting for my sake, but today I told him to go hunting and that I will be alright. He nodded, kissed me, and left. I tried to talk to her, but she keeps ignoring me. When Edward came back, I told him that I needed help to talk to Nessie. “Maybe we should get Jacob to help.” I suggested. Edward shook his head. “Bella, tomorrow is Nessie’s birthday, she is turning eighteen. We are taking her to the Volturi, for her to be changed into a full vampire.” Edward disagreed. I nodded, frowning. I sighed. Edward hugged me. “Everything is going to be all right love.” He promised. “Let’s go get EJ’s milk before he wakes up.” Me and Edward ran to the kitchen to grab the bottle and started to pour milk and cooked it up. I went to get EJ, while Edward got the milk. I ran back with him and gave EJ to Edward. He feed him while I ran to Nessie’s room to cheer her up.

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