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                   Chapter 11






Later on, me and Edward went hunting. This time I didn’t bloody my new blue dress that Alice made me. She knew Edward liked that color on me. I had to take off the heels, because I couldn’t run in these. Jacob was with Nessie, and EJ playing with their toys they got from their birthdays. We hunted quickly, and then we went running, holding hands, back to Nessie, and EJ. Jacob was about to leave, but I told him he could stay for a little while longer. He quickly agrees to that. EJ was snoring in his crib. Edward was kissing me when Jacob left to play with Nessie and her new toys. Our kiss was interrupted from the phone. I sighed, and went to the phone. “Hello?” I asked. I heard sobs on the phone and I couldn’t hear who the person was saying. “Bella? Is that you? If it is I have bad news for you!” A woman cried. I know whose voice that was. Renee. She was sobbing and I couldn’t hear her well. “What? What happened mom?” I asked anxiously. She kept on sobbing. “You’re…Your…Father,” She couldn’t finish her sentence. “Yes, yes. What’s wrong?” I asked. She wouldn’t stop sobbing over the phone and I have to find a way to calm her. “Mom, take deep breaths!” I told her. I heard her breathing deeply twice.  “Your father is…dead.” She broke on the last word. I couldn’t believe my own ears. What had happened to him? When did he die? I wanted to ask these questions to Renee but I couldn’t. “How did he…Die?” I asked her. I was about to sob as well. “He got in a car accident. Another car wasn’t looking where he was going, then he crashed into your father’s cruiser.” She explained. I felt a sad face on me. I badly wanted to cry. But instead I was sobbing. I knew Edward could hear me. He was at my side and put his hands around my waist. “What’s wrong?” He asked. But I ignored him and try to listen to Renee. “So the funeral will be on Saturday December 3. Alright?” She told me. “We will be there. I love you mom.” I said still sobbing from the news. “I love you too” She said. And then she hanged up. I put the phone back in its place and Edward asked me the same question that I ignored. “What’s wrong?” I took a deep breath and told Edward. I didn’t want to look at him; I didn’t want to show him how much this news upset me. So I told him the truth. “Charlie…died!” I sobbed. He turned me around and hugged my close to his chest. I put my arms around his neck. I pressed harder to him. I was still sobbing; but harder. “I’m so sorry Bella.” He comforted me. I laid my head on his chest and closed my eyes. He let me sob on his chest to let it all out. He rubbed my back softly up and down, trying to cheer me up. “Do you want me to distract you?” He asked me. I looked at his burning yellow eyes. I couldn’t find my voice and he waited for me to say something. I sighed. “Maybe later.” He muttered almost to himself. I rested my head on his chest again and stopped sobbing. The floor beneath me was gone and I felt like I was floating. I noticed that Edward was carrying me. He took us to our room and laid me on the bed. He grabbed a chair and put it next to the bed. He sat in the chair and took my hand. “Bella, I can’t see you like this. Is there a way I can cheer you up?” He asked anxiously. I don’t know what to tell him. I wanted to tell him to kiss me again, but I couldn’t. I opened my mouth to speak, but then I closed it. Then he crushed his lips on mine. He climbed on top of me and rolled over so that I was on top of him. We were kissing until his lips went to my throat. “Edward, we are not doing this.” I told him. I know he heard me say it, but he ignored me. He then rolled over and he was on top of me again. “Bella. We are doing this because; I don’t want to see you upset.” He said in my ear. He kissed my throat and then my cheek. I put his face on mine and kissed him. We kept kissing and never stopped. The next morning came and Edward, Nessie and I are all dressed up in black dresses and tux. We got everything ready to go to the memorial. EJ wasn’t allowed to come so he had to stay with Rosalie and Emmet. Emmet and Rosalie didn’t want to come so they stayed and Alice, Jasper, Esme, and Carlisle are coming because they know how upset I was when my dad died. Edward, Nessie, and I took Edward’s Volvo. The others took Alice’s porches. Edward held me the passenger door for me. I went in and started to sob a bit. Nessie was in the back almost about to cry. She put her head in her hands and started to sob like me. Edward got in the driver seat and kissed my forehead. “Bella, Nessie, don’t cry. Everything will be ok.” He comforted me and Nessie. I took deep breathes in and out from my mouth. “There.” He said. Then he started the car and held my hand on the seat. He had been driving with one hand on the steering wheel and the other hand holding my hand. I was looking out the window and the corner of my eye I saw Edward was looking at me. I looked at him and he smiled. Then he looked back to the road and kept smiling. We got to the memorial in seconds, thanks to Edwards driving. It started to pour rain on us. We got our umbrellas ready in the car. Edward had at least eight in there. We took one for each couple. Nessie got one of her own. We all walked where they were about to put my dad’s coffin in. I saw my mother, Renee, with her new husband, Phil. I saw her crying. I begin to sob as well. I put my head on Edward’s chest and sobbed. Edward put his free hand around my waist and hold on to me and rubbed my back. “There, there Bella. It’s alright.” He comforted me. I still had my head on his chest and my eyes were suddenly closed. We got to where my mom and Phil were. My mom saw me, Edward and the rest of the family. Then she came and hugged me tightly. “Oh, Bella!” She cried. We both cried while hugging. Then we let go. “I can’t believe dad’s gone.” I cried. “I know, I know Bella. But now he is gone forever but he will always be in our hearts forever.” She quoted. We both smiled at each other and went back to the funeral. We saw the people, who were my dad’s friend and whose name I forgotten, were burying my father’s coffin underground. We all took turns to put Roses and other flowers on the grave. I was last and putted a rose on top of his grave, and begin to sob again. Edward put his hands on my waist and pulled me to his chest. Then he kissed my forehead. “Come Bella. Let’s go to the funeral home”. He said. Then I nodded. We walked over to the funeral home, and everyone was behind us. We got in and took our seats. Me and Edward sat next to each other. Nessie and Alice were sitting together with Esme, Carlisle, and Jasper. The man who owns the funeral home was speaking. He was talking about my fathers will. “To my son-in-law, I want to give you best wishes and hope that you will protect my daughter and my grand-daughter…” The man kept babbling on and on about my father’s will, till he got to me. “To Bella, my daughter, I will like to give you the house. We had a lot of memories in there, and I don’t want you to forget about them. About you and I.” The man quoted my father’s will. I can’t believe Charlie is giving me his house. I was excited at first but then I remembered that I had Edward, Nessie, and EJ. I couldn’t leave my love one’s behind. I sighed and I couldn’t figure out how I am going to do this. After the memorial, we went to the ceremony. The ceremony was very short. Edward was chatting with some friends of my dad.  Nessie was beside me, and I turned to her and asked her “Will you do something for me?” She nodded. “Ok. I’m going to Grandpa’s house, ok? Tell your father that alright.” I said. She nodded again. I smiled and kissed her forehead. “I will be right back.” I said leaving. I walked down the sidewalk. It wasn’t far from my dad’s house. It was only around the corner. I was already in front of Charlie’s house. The door was already opened and I went straight in. I suddenly felt a flashback. I remembered the first time I moved here. Where I went to school here in Forks high school. Where I met my husband, Edward. I walked to the kitchen, where me and my dad had breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Some of my human memories are blurry but I could see it a bit. The flash backs keep coming back whenever I walk in a room. My last stop was my room. My purple bed, my beautiful light blue color wall, my wooden desk with my old non-working computer, my mirror, and my drawer was still here. There was another flash back that came to me. Where I was grounded and where Edward comes and goes in my room, and that he purposed to me and I screamed out ‘No, no rings’. I still remember, but in my head, it’s blurry. I sat on my bed and looking at my window. I closed my eyes and smiled. I took a deep breath in from my nose and let it out from my mouth. I suddenly felt wind blowing my hair east. My eyes opened quickly and saw Edward next to me. He was staring at me and I stared back. We were both gazing at each other. It was quiet until Edward broken the silence. “Nessie told me where you were.” He said, still looking in my eyes. “I know, I told her to tell you.” I explained. He took my hand and put my hand on his face. “Bella, remember how short or long our separation is, it will hurt the both of us?” He asked. I nodded. I know I hurt his feelings, and I hated when I did that. I put my head on his chest and his arms were around me. I relaxed and I was content with him here. Everything in this world is breaking almost everything between us. But we didn’t care, as long as we always apologies and get back together. We solve our problems as a family. My eyes were almost going inside my head that is the part where I gasped aloud and Edward heard me. “Bella?” He asked anxiously. I couldn’t see anything but a black figure. Everything was blurry. “Bella!” Edward screamed. Then I felt like I fell in a black whirl pool and I couldn’t get out of it. My ears were blocked, my eyes were closed, and I couldn’t find my voice. But I could still feel. Two hands were carrying me somewhere I don’t know.  My hearing was a little bit better. I could hear almost everything now. “Carlisle!” A male screamed. It sounded familiar but I couldn’t see who it was. “What happened Edward?”  another male’s voice asked. Now I know who is who. Edward was the one carrying me, and asking Carlisle for some help on me. I know I need help, because my eyes are closed nice and shut. “Put her in my office.” Carlisle suggested. I felt wind blowing in my face. I felt a table under me. My hands were at my side. Someone was holding my left hand in their warm hands. Then I saw a light. I tried to get to it but I felt like being sucked in to a black hole. I used all my force to get to it. I couldn’t. I looked down, and there was a small, almost the size of my height, that was about to suck up the water and me. I looked up again and the light was gone. I was about to give up, when the water was disappearing and I wasn’t being sucked in. My eyes were about to open, but I left them closed. I felt lips in my ear. “Bella, love. Can you please get up? I don’t want to lose you again.” He begged. My lips were carving into a smile. My eyes were a little bit open and I could see Edwards face. He leaned his face closer to mine and looked in my eyes. He knew my eyes were open. I think I saw a smile on his face. He leaned down and put his soft lips on mine. I kissed him back. Too soon, he let go. “Bella, are you alright?” He asked. I nodded a jerky bob. “What happened? You were sitting next to me on your bed, and then your eyes went inside your head and I caught you before you hit the floor.” He explained. Then I heard a click in my head. I know what happened when my eyes went back. “Edward, my eyes went in my head because…I remembered something.” I calmed him. He raised one of his eyebrows and he was about to comment when Carlisle came in. “Well, I see you are looking fine Bella.” Carlisle observed me. I sighed and got off the observation table. I took a deep breath in from my mouth and out. Edward was still holding my hand when I got off the table. “What happened to you, Bella?” Carlisle asked. I looked at him and said “I just remember something, before my dad died.” I explained. Edward took a deep breath. “Aaah. What else?” Carlisle asked cursorily. I shooked my head. Good thing I can’t blush anymore. I lied because, I smelled someone. It smelled like another vampire walking down the streets and inside my dad’s house. And I couldn’t smell any more after that. “Bella, we should go back to our cottage and see if Nessie and EJ are alright.” Edward finally said. I nodded. I couldn’t find my voice. We started to walk, and my red eyes were blurry. I felt woodenly next to him. “Bella, love, do you want me to carry you?” he asked anxiously. “No. I’m fine.” I told him, finding my voice. We got out of the house and ran. We first hunted before we got in our cottage. When we walked in, Nessie came and hugged us both fiercely and tightly. Then she sobbed. “Don’t cry Nessie.” Edward calmed her. She let go too soon and hugged me again. I wrapped my hands, gently, around her. Then she smiled. Edward put his hands around us and kissed my cheek and whispered in my ear “I will be right back.” Then he left. Nessie let go and the same time as I did. “Go to bed Nessie. Tomorrow is a special day.”  I ordered her.  She nodded and smiled. Then she went off to bed. Tomorrow Nessie is going to her first High school. She can finally meet new friends, and get a boyfriend. Finally sometime off. Well not some. I have to be with EJ. If only I have time with Edward. I can’t believe my father died. But not from a car accident, I think I know the truth. I walked to the couch and waited for Edward. He came back in seconds. He sat next to me and put a box in my lap. I looked at him with narrow eyes and raised one eyebrow, but I forgot about it. I opened the box and saw a black rose next to a book. It was one of my classics, which Edward hated so much. I let out a small laugh from my breath. I blinked three times. I shook my head and smiled. I was looking at the gift, while Edward was staring at me. In the corner of my eye, I saw him smiling. “I thought you hate the classics?” I asked, still looking down. “Well, I couldn’t see you upset and forget about every memory of your father, so I got the book from your old house and a rose from the backyard.” He said smiling. I put the box on the table, and move closer to him. He put me on his lap, and he crushed his lips on mine. His hand moved down my shoulders to my waist and put his hand on my leg. He was the greatest husband I ever have! He can cheer and distracts me easily. I love him. I was his. Forever.

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