Hurt Feelings

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Chapter 15

                 Hurt Feelings






The morning came up, and Edward wasn’t here with me. I woke up and found a note next to me. On the top of the card says to Mrs. Cullen:

I hope you didn’t wake up and found me missing. I went out to hunt with Carlisle and Emmett. Alice, Rosalie, and Esme are here for you. I love you!

I knew he would go hunting. He hasn’t gone out since the accident. My throat started to ache. I was thirsty. I haven’t hunted for about three or four days. I wish I could just get up and go out hunting before I go mad. But I couldn’t get up. I can’t. Edward would be very mad at me if I just ran out. If I did, my stomach will hurt me even more, and my left leg will blaze. And I will be running and screaming, in pain, at the same time. I tried to get up, but then it started to hurt my stomach even more. Then I just lay down. I heard the door open at the front door. I wanted to run to the living room to see who it is. And then I just remembered that l need to stay still. The door to my room opened. It was Edward. He came in quietly, thinking that I was still sleeping, I guess. “Love? Are you awake?” He asked. I nodded. He came to sit in a chair next to the bed. “How are you feeling now?” He asked anxiously. I looked in his golden honey eyes. “I’m alright. You don’t need to worry.” I said. My throat ached of thirst again. I think he can hear that. “Love, you haven’t hunted for three days. Do you want me go get an animal for you?” He asked. I shook my head. “I don’t know. Maybe I should stay here for a couple of days until I get healed.” I said. Edward sighed in frustration. “Bella, you need to hunt. You will be weak. I don’t want that to happen to you. I want you to be healthy and strong.” He said. I nodded. He’s probably right, he’s always right. “I will be right back.” He said after a few minutes of silence, and then he ran off. I sighed. He came back in seconds, with a cup in his hand. When I breathed in, I smelled the blood. He gave me the cup. “Drink Bella. It will make you strong again.” He promised. I trusted him. So I guess I should try. I put my lip on the straw and started to drink it. Edward put his hand on my forehead, it felt nice. I stopped drinking the blood and felt much stronger now than I was five minutes ago. “Are you alright know?” he asked. I nodded. “Thank you Edward.” I said. Then he leaned down to kiss me. He putted the cup on the table and went on top of me. “Ow.” I said around his lips. His body was hurting my stomach that was bitten. “Oops. Sorry.” He said while getting off of me. He lay next to me on our bed. “Did I hurt you?” He asked anxiously. “Yes, but I’m alright.” I said trying to calm him down. He sighed. I sighed as well. We haven’t kissed, or touched in a long time since the accident. Edward grabbed my hand and started kissing it. He was about to kiss my entire arm until there was a knock. It startled me. Edward putted his arms around me. “Can I come in?” a woman voice asked. Edward tightens his arms around me. “Come in.” Edward said. The door creaked open a tiny bit so that two yellow eyes can see us. It was Alice. Her spikey hair was the only thing I knew it was her. “Carlisle said that you could try to get up. And see if you can hunt again.” Alice said. I nodded. If I could get up, it will be a miracle. If I couldn’t, then I would be weak on our bed, starving. “Edward, could you help me. Just in case?” I asked Edward. Edward nodded. He got up and ran around to help me. He took out his two hands to help me up. I grabbed his hands and tried to pull myself up. My stomach was blazing a tiny bit when I sat up, but I felt ok. Edward helped me to get on my feet. I wobbled a bit, but good thing Edward was next to me, catching me if I fell. He has his arms around me trying to help me walk. Alice opened the door wide open and moved out of the way for me to come through. Edward tightens his hold on me. I walked carefully out to the living room, to see if I could sit down on the couch. I have a few feet from the couch. “Edward, can I just try to walk by myself?” I asked him. He shuddered and hesitated, but let go. He was a few feet behind me in case if I fell. I stand straight, looked ahead, and I walked carefully, checking my balance. Then I finally got to the couch, and sat down carefully. Alice smiled and clapped her hands. “You did a great job Bella!” Alice encouraged. I grinned. Edward came to sit next to me, and smiled as well. “You did great Love.” Edward agreed with Alice. I wished I could be human again, to Blush in front of Edward. Edward loved it when I blushed. I still remember that my cheeks get warm when they blush but sometimes it’s a blur. Edward putted his arm around me. “Great. Now I have to go tell Carlisle about your progress.” Alice murmured, almost to herself. Then she ran out to the big house. Edward kissed my cheek all the way to my jaw and to my forehead. I grabbed his face and I kissed him back. I crushed my lips on his, never letting go. I started to lay my back on the couch’s arm, while Edward was on top of me, with his lips still crushed on mine. It was like our third or fourth honeymoon. But I have injuries. My stomach was blazing under Edward’s body. But I didn’t care. We kept kissing until the sun was setting down. I haven’t been kissed by Edward in a long time. The sun went down and Edward kept kissing me. The morning came up, and suddenly I was in our bed next to Edward. My eyes got blurry until I blinked a couple of times. I got up in a sitting position. When I got up, Edward’s arms were around my waist, pulling my body to lie down next to him. He wasn’t using all his force, so that he wouldn’t hurt me. I put my hands on his, trying to pull him off, but I failed. “Love, you need to stay still for now.” Edward said. I shook my head, stubborn. He sighed and let go of me. I stand up carefully, and walked towards the door. Edward was at my side in a second. He opened the door for me. I suddenly felt wobbly. Edward putted his arms around me just in case. I removed his hold on me and walked toward the couch. I need more practices on running next time. I wanted to see our children. I haven’t hold EJ ever since. Thanks to Jacob, I can’t hold my child. I sighed. Edward looked at me with confused eyes. I looked at my hand while I spoke. “When will I heal Edward?” He looked out of space for a moment until he looked at me and answered “I don’t know sweetheart. Maybe, a few days?” I sighed. Then the sobs came. Edward, gently, pulled me to his chest, soothing me. He was rubbing my arm, my arm felt very warm. Then the knock on the door made me get up. Edward putted his arms on my shoulder to push me down gently. “Stay here love.” He said. Then he disappeared. I heard the front door creak, open. I tried very hard to hear who is at the door. But I knew who it was when Edward growled. “Go away Jacob Black.” Edward said through his teeth. Jacob sighed. “I came to…” Jacob couldn’t continue. “I know why you came. But Bella will never accept it.” Edward growled. Then I heard Edward gasp, and closed the door shut on his face. Then Edward came back to the couch. He putted me on his lap and wrapped his arms around me tightly. “What’s wrong Edward?” I asked him anxiously. He sighed. “Will you tell me? Please?” I begged him. He looked at me an looked down at my hands. “Jacob wanted to apologize and,” I started to interrupt him. “I know why Jacob came.” I said. He took a deep breath and looked in my eyes. “Will you let me finish? Bella, Jacob came because he…Will he thought…loves you more than Nessie.” He growled at the word love you. I gasped. “Why? Why would Jacob do this to Nessie? Can’t he see that I am married to the most perfect man in my world?” I said, I almost felt like I was talking to myself. He smiled at my words, the last sentence. “Well, he did try…in the past…when you were human, and where we first met…He tried to imprint on you.” He sighed. I sighed as well. I can’t believe he tried to imprint on me. “But, he doesn’t know what he’s missing. Nessie and Jake are perfect together, but since he did this to me,” I showed my cuts to Edward. And then I continued. “I guess he’s missing a lot. But I don’t get to missing anything, because I have the most perfect man in the world. So, I’m in my happy place. It feels like a dream right now.” I smiled. He smiled back. I picked up my finger carefully and traced his flawless lips. Then I put my hand on his cheek. “I love you, and I promised to try to heal you. I don’t want you to look like this for the rest of your life. But you are still beautiful to me.” Edward said. I closed my eyes and leaned my head on his chest. He tightens his arms around me. “I don’t ever want to let you go, Edward.” I said. He rubbed my arm like he did ten minute ago. “Never.” He said. Then he leaned down and crushed his lips on mine. It was gently at first, until he crushed his lips harder on to mine. The sun came up from behind the clouds. I was sitting on Edward’s lap, watching TV. Nessie was asleep, and EJ as well. I laid my head on his chest. Edward has his hand on mine and had his other hand folded around my waist. He was holding me tighter to his chest, that I had my head under his chin. My face started to blaze, and it started to hurt. I stiffened and Edward misread the alarm. He leaned back to put his back on the couch and frowned. “I’m sorry love.” He said. I sighed. I wished Jacob hasn’t hurt me. I would’ve been kissing my Edward, and playing with my kids, and going out hunting. “It’s all right sweetheart, you will feel better in a few days. Alice knows that.” Edward calmed me. Of course Alice will know that. Edward and Alice have a special bond. Like they were Semi-twins, born from the same mother. I leaned my head, carefully, on his chest. “I know that Alice knows.” I said. Then there was a knock. It sounded like the knock I heard yesterday. But the knock sounds less angry. I got up and Edward putted his arms around me. Then his lips were on my ear “Bella, love stay here.” But I shook my head, removed his hands around my waist and walked carefully to the door. Edward walked carefully behind me, in case if I fell down. I opened the door, and it was…Jacob. “Hey bells. You’re looking a little bit better.” Jacob said. I sighed and looked at the flowers in his hands. Dandelions. My favorite flowers. “What are the flowers for?” I asked him. He looked at the flowers and looked back at me. “These are for you.” He said. He gived me the flowers and crossed his arms on his chest. “Um…Thank you?” I said. This was getting awkward. “Edward, I’m going to be outside to talk with Jacob. Is that all right with you?” I asked Edward. He looked pain, and then he looked at Jacob with an angry expression, looked back at me, and nodded. I smiled to him “It will only take a second.” I told him. I carefully grabbed the door knob and closed it behind me. I thought I heard Edward sigh. “Ok, Jacob. What did you do now?” I said. I knew Jake very well. But this isn’t him when he gives me my favorite flowers. “Fine. You got me.” Jacob said. I smiled to myself for guessing what he was up to, that it was bad. “Well, I wanted to ask you for your blessing.” Jake said. Blessing? For what?  “Um…Jacob. What Blessing?” I asked him. He looked down and then he frowned. “So, Nessie agreed to it so…We are getting engaged.” He whispered to me. I froze. Can my heart break into to piece’s? I think mine could. I took a deep breath and answered. “I don’t know Jacob. You need to tell Edward for his blessing.” I informed him. He sighed and looked up. “He might get angry at us and…” I stopped him at his midsentence by putting my hands in front of him to halt. “What do you mean by us? I’m not part of this!” I said through my teeth. He looked upset, like I hurt his feelings. “Please Bella?” He begged. “Please what?” I asked. He grabbed my hands and put them in his, and holded it tightly. “Please, can you try to…You know…with your blo- I mean…Husband?” He flinched at the end. I sighed. I felt my face starting to blaze after sighing. “I don’t know.” I whispered suddenly. He let go of my hands, turn his back to me, slumped, and went to the forest. I looked down at the grass. I knew I hurt his feelings. I’m a bad person. The door behind me opened. “Bella? Is everything all right?” Edward asked. I turned around. And nodded. “I’m all right.” I assured him. He walked toward me. And he wrapped his arms around me. I felt his lips on my ear. “Do you want me to carry you?” He asked. “No, I will try to walk.” I said. I unwrapped his arms around me and walked carefully inside. My leg was wobbly and really started to bother me. The medicine Carlisle gived me is starting to affect me and my body. I felt like I was going to faint. Edward quickly picked me up when he knew that I was going to fall. He laid me on the couch and he lay next to me. I felt better when Edward was with me. I was still upset that l hurt Jakes feelings. I sighed, and tried to relax, I put my head on Edward’s chest and close my eyes, content.

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