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Chapter 6


When the party was over. We all cleaned up outside. Nessie was tried so she was sleeping in Edward’s room. While EJ was sleeping in Rosalie’s arms. When we were finished, me and Edward took Nessie and EJ back to the cottage. Edward put Nessie in her bed, when I put EJ in Nessie’s old crib. They were both snoring in the same room, sleeping happy dreams. Edward grabbed my hand and took me to our room. “We have to pack Bella. We are leaving today at 8. Alright?” He said. I nodded. We ran back and forth until we both knocked into each other. He had his arms wrapped around me. We both laughed. “Are you alright Bella?” He asked still laughing. “Yes I’m alright. Are you?” I asked and laughed with him. He nodded. I snuggle closer to him and put my head on his chest. He kissed my forehead. We were finished packing. We both heard the phone ring. I released Edward’s arms and I reached the phone. “Hello?” I asked. “Bells?” A familiar voice asked. “Yes?” I said. “Hey, It’s me Charlie, your dad” Charlie said. “Hey dad, what’s up?” I asked suspiciously. “Nothing much, I’m asking if you are going to New Hampshire?” He asked. His voice sounded worried so I replied “Yea, we are leaving tonight.” I explained. “Oh” was all he said. “Well I will call you when we land their ok?” I told him. “Alright, have a safe trip, ok? I will tell your mom where you are going, ok?” He asked. “Sure dad.” I said after I hanged on him. Edward was hearing everything. I sighed. He took my hands in his. He started kissing me. Like every day, he will always kiss me no matter what happens next. He pulled away too soon. He put his forehead on mine and whispered my name and said he loved me. Like always. We both smiled. The moon was coming up so we knew it was time to leave. We will all miss forks. I will especially my family and friends. I called my mom that I will be leaving soon. She already knew so she wants me to pass on a good trip to my new family. I went to get EJ and Nessie. Edward got the baby while I got Nessie. We were running to Edward’s Volvo. Edward already put the bags in the trunk. So I put Nessie in the back, still sleeping, and got EJ from Edward’s arms. He was still sleeping while I got in the car. He had the passenger door opened for me, and closed it gently. I will miss everyone I barely know and my memories here, when I first met Edward. We were at the Forks airport. We were in a long line, waiting to get in the plane. Nessie was half a sleep; she will sleep on her way on the airplane. The line was getting smaller and smaller so we still have enough time. When we were up, we give the lady our tickets and walked toward the airplane. We had firs class, so we have our own room. Nessie was already sleeping, Edward was putting the bags where they would be safe, and EJ was asleep in my arms. I smiled at him. Edward was sitting next to me. I envy Nessie and EJ. They both are sound asleep. The time passed quickly, and the plane started to land. Finally, we were in New Hemisphere. It was still night here, and everyone is asleep. The plane landed, and Edward got our bags. I was holding the baby in my arms. Nessie woke up and was next to me. We started walking to the cab ~which he called for~ and he started to put our bags in the trunk of the cab. He got in and sat next to Nessie. The cab driver was driving fast to our new house; probably he just wanted more cash. Edward growled. I knew what Edward was doing; he was reading the cab driver’s thoughts. Then we were finally here. Edward paid the man and got our bags out of the cab’s trunk. He gived me the keys to our new house, while he was grabbing our bags. I opened the door and our house was big and roomy. The walls were pale, like our skin, the couch matched the color of the walls, and everything was already in its place. There are three rooms upstairs. I love the house Edward got for us. Nessie went upstairs to her room. She already brought her bags up to her new room. EJ was still sleeping in my arms. I went upstairs to EJ’s new room; carefully I put EJ in his new crib. He was smiling, maybe a happy dream. I was glad to see him smiling. I ran down stairs to see if Edward needed help. But when I got there he already put our bags in place in our room. I went straight to the kitchen and grabbed the phone. I put in Charlie’s phone number and clicked “call”.  I remembered that I have to call him. He answered on the second ring “Hello?” He asked. “Hey dad,” I said. “Oh hey bells! How’s it going? Did you land safely?” He asked anxiously. His voice almost broke at the end. “It’s going great dad, and we landed ok, so you don’t need to worry about it.” I calmed him. I really am missing him and mom. I badly want to go back to forks where me and Edward met. Edward walked right behind me and put his hands around my hips. “Tell your dad I said hello.” Edward whispered in my ear, too low for my dad to hear in the phone. I nodded. “Hey umm…dad, Edward says ‘hello’,” I told him. Edwards’s arms tightened my hips. “Well I have to go dad, we got a lot to unpack, and I miss you!” I told him. “I miss you too Bells. Bye.” He said. Then he hanged up the phone. Edward started to kiss my jaw and cheek. I put his lips on mine. His lips were hard and soft. He grabbed my legs and carried me to our room. He never broke the kiss while he was carrying me. He laid me softly on the soft white bed and he was on top of me, still not breaking our kiss. His lips went down to my throat and back to my cheek. It felt nice. I put my two hands on the back of his head, keeping him prisoner. Then, Edward tried to get out but I was too strong to let him lose. Then I removed my hands behind his head. He smiled at me with his eyes close and his forehead on mine. We were about to kiss again when EJ woked up and started crying. Edward got off of me and stands up. He took his hand out to help me get up, and grabbed it. We both walked to the baby’s room. We saw him wiggling like a worm in his crib. I went to grab him out of there. Edward left to get the milk bottle for the baby. I rocked and shushed the baby from crying and waking up Nessie. Edward came back in seconds with the bottle. He gived it to me and I fed the baby. EJ was chugging down almost the whole milk. I moved his little hair from his eyes, so he can drink the bottle without hair in his small cute eyes. Edward saw how capable I am with EJ. He saw how happy I am with a child. He smiled at me and the baby. I was in a happy place with my new big family. 

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