Nerf Games.

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During the long flight, me and Eleanor talked about our lives, it's like we knew each other for so long. and Harry kept on saying Drama Queen, and Louis was just staring at the window and saying, "KEVIN."

When, we arrived in London. Of course papparazzi's we're there. and a lot of screaming girls. Mom said George was already waiting outside in our Range rover to our new house.

"See you soon, El." i gave her a hug and she hugged me back. While waiting for my mom.

"So guys, Lucy here will meet you later at your house." wait. what? No way. 

"Yay. i get to bond with you later, Lu." Eleanor said. I gave her a big smile but deep inside, house? With Harry? This will be too damn fun.

"See you." i smiled. While walking to the car. Questions form the reporters are already running in my head, actually it's for my mom. Are you the manager of one direction?. Sheessssh. When will does paps get a life? When we got inside the Range rover.

"Mom. Why in the world would you let me go to their pad?." i said immediately.

"I want you to bond with the boys, not like what you did with The wanted." really mom?

"But i don't want to." i said demandingly. "Then i guess no phone." no choice.

"Fine. I'll go." sad. sad. life lucy.

When we arrived in our new house, wow was all i can say. The first thing i saw was the pool, it was simple but really eleagant. 

"Hello, Ms. Lucille. i'm Alice." a girl wearing a maids uniform greeting, i can't stand people wearing those uniforms, we should be treated equally, they're humans too. sheesh.

"Hello, Alice." i replied. When i got up to my room, this was better than my room in New York. 

Speaking of. I miss dad and my pet turtle, Commando. 

I jumped to the bed and took out my treasured phone. Everything was fixed already, nothing to do anymore. 

So i opened my twitter and tweeted.

@LucyJackson: London. Loving half the half part of it. but sometimes people can really ruin it. ._. 

and i scrolled down the tweets, i followed all the boys including Eleanor and Danielle.

Then i saw, Harry's tweet.

@Harry_Styles: Drama queen looks cute though. x

when i saw his tweet, was that me? Maybe it wasnt. Stop thinking about those things Lu. 

"Dear. Get ready we'll leave in an hour." mom shouted. I stood up, took a bath and decided to wear blue skinny jeans, and white shirt with a beach design in it. (picture at the side)

I grabbed my iphone and bag and went down. And when we reached the boys house, Eleanor waited for me outside and my mom told me she'll pick me up at 12am. Jeesh. 

"Luuuuuu." Eleanor screaming like a kid. "Hey, El." i smiled. We exchanged hugs and went inside.

The house was like our house in new york. It was fine. And there we're 5 heads watching spongebob in the living room. 

Louis turned his head to our direction. "LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!." he screamed. Ouch. that hurt my eardrums. he hugged me very tight.

"Can't breath." i said while gasping for air. "Sorry." he let go. 

"Hi Lucille, you must be Emily's daughter." i like the sound of that other than THE MANAGER'S DAUGHTER. "Yeap. That's me." i smiled 

"I'm Liam." he offered his hand and i shook it. "Niall." i smiled giving him a wave. 

"Bradford bad boy, Zayn." giving me a high-five. 

"And you already know Harry." Louis exclaimed. "Hey drama queen." i rolled my eyes and he did the same. and the boys were giving me cheeky faces.

"Anyways. What are we gonna do?." Eleanor said. "Nerf?." Liam suggested. "NEEEEEEEERF." Louis screamed again. Really Lou?

"You'll love this game Lucy." yep. i really love this game. Me and Summer used to play this with her 3 brothers at home since it's big. And i'm freakin good at it. 

"Do you know how to play?." Zayn exclaimed. "Nope. teach me." haha. I'm just having fun.

So. There will be a 20 second countdown, so everybody could hide and When you're hit you're out. Until the person stands. Niall explained. This is gonna be fun.

"Everybody got their guns?." here we gooo. "Countdown starts now.." everybody started running. 

I went into some rooms and barged into a clean room. Hopefully no one sees me here.

"3.. 2.. 1.. let the Nerf Games begin." That was probably Louis.

I saw someone walking by, 3.. 2.. 1.. shoot. It hitted him straight to the head. and that was Niall.

"I've been hit. Goodbye cruel world. Goodbye yummy food." he's not good at acting. 

I heard Eleanor shouting and saying goodbye, same as Liam and Zayn. 

So it was between me, Louis and Harry.

here comes another one. Oh shit he's coming inside the room. Better hide Lucy. 

"Hello? Is kevin here? Hello?." I shoot him straight to his chest. 

"Goodbye world. Before i die i want to say i'm sorry Kevin i didn't have the chance to find you, I love you family, friends, Liam, Zayn, Niall and especially my Harry and mostly I LOVE YOU ELEANOR." he shouted.

"I love you too, Louis. Now fall and die." Eleanor shouted. 

"Goodbye.." Louis fell. and i want to laugh so badlyyyyy. Hold it Lucy.

So i got out and walked into some rooms and barged into a very fragrant room smells like vanilla.

I heard a noise and i didn't know where it came from. So i hid at the back of the door. 

I stepped back. "Hey gorgeous." a whisper sounded in my ear. it scared the hell out of me. 

"Bitch please, Harry don't do that." i whispered. 

"Drama queen." he smirked. Harry pointed his gun at me. Plan B. "Wait. Harry. Before you shoot me. All i wanna say is i'm sorry." he looked so surprised.

"What?." harry questioned me. "I'm sorry for being a drama queen, i know i might have irritated you so badly. So i'm really sorry." i was preparing my gun.

"Really?." Harry stopped pointing his gun right through my face. 

"Yes. and i wanted to say something to you. since before. and i just can't hide it."

i started moving to his face. He was leaning in. His eyes we're so lovely.

"What is it?." he said. Our faces we're inches apart. 

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