17. Fairytale

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"Hello, Victoria", Mr. Blair smiles. I know good intentions when I see it and I didn't notice any in his face.

I'm cautious, but he literally has me backed into a corner. "Mr. Blair", I swallow. "What are you doing here?" I try to hide my nervousness, but I fail.

Mr. Blair chuckles. "Ah", he sighs. "you're probably still a little shaken up after our little incident from the party the other night". His hands are behind his back as he walks closer to me. "Please sit", he motions to the theatre seats. "While I do apologize that you overheard me, I do have something I'd like to discuss with you".

Yeah, right. Hard pass.

I had every intention of walking out, but I was so disgusted by his half-assed apology that I couldn't hold in my anger any longer. Everything I've wanted to say to him was all about to explode out of me.

"Apologize that I overheard you!?", I scoff. "What you should be apologizing for is disrespecting me that way. Not only did you break Benji's trust, but you insulted me and judged me before even getting to know me". My face grows hot with rage and I could feel my pulse throbbing in my ears. The look of amusement on his face only increases my frustration. "I love your son, Mr. Blair. And I was hoping that I would be able to establish a relationship with you and Mrs. Blair, but you've made it clear that I'm not good enough".

"Miss Muller—"

"No!", I shout, pointing my finger at him. "I'm done feeling intimidated and insecure by people like you. People that judge me and tell me that I'm nobody just because of where I grew up and who my parents were. Yes, I may not have grown up being handed a silver platter; but I am damn proud to be serving it!" I pause for a moment, breathing deep to calm my nerves. "Mr. Blair, I love your son and he loves me. That should be enough for you to accept it".

I search his face for a reaction, some sort of sign that he understands. But I don't. All I see is a cold look that glazes over his eyes and a small, arrogant smile.

"Miss Muller", he sits himself in the seat beside us. "Benjamin is a good boy. A lazy, naive boy; but a good one. Despite his lacking, he's still my son and because of that, he's entitled to my entire estate once I step down as President".

"Mr. Blair, what does that—"

"Please", he stops me, palm out. "I've heard your piece, it's only polite to hear mine. I hold my tongue, my curiosity getting the best of me.

"Now, there are certain expectations and appearances that he must keep up if he is to take over my projects", he continues. "He will not be taken seriously nor will he be able to successfully deal business when every important person in Las Vegas finds out that he has some hussy from the lower end for a girlfriend."

"Get to your point, Mr. Blair", I growl through my teeth. My curiosity and respect that he is still Benji's father is the only reason I haven't left yet. Or punched him for that matter.

"My point is", he smiles. "He's my son and I love him too, I want him to be successful and the only way he's going to do that is if he finds a nice girl within his own class. Additionally, it was a part of his contract that he signed when he agreed to manage this hotel for me".

My brows furrow in confusion, there's a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. "W-what contract?" My gut is screaming that something's not right.

"Miss Muller", he says. "Benjamin will not inherit my projects nor my fortune unless he marries someone with my and Mrs. Blair's approval. And I'm sure you already know by now that we will never approve of you two". His smile is menacing now, knowing that he has me trapped.

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