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The next day I spend most of my time with Jordan. The women of the pack avoid me like the plague and the men look at me as if I'm some kind of gum under their shoe.

Never asked to be here, pals.

Nate is also avoiding me and I'm blaming Jared. Yes Jared is responsible for everything that's wrong in my life. He's the reason why I didn't sleep well last night and why I didn't have any hot water for my shower this morning. He's also accountable for my burned toasts this morning and it's entirely his fault if my left shoe is stained with dark chocolate cake now.

So, maybe he wasn't around when all of this went down, but I still blame him. I see him everywhere I turn and I feel the paranoia creep inside me.

Is he stalking me ?

'Of course he is. You're a rogue.' I can almost see my wolf roll its eyes in my head.

"Karma's a bitch" I tell him at noon when I find him yet again in my path.

I spend my time glancing around to try and catch a glimpse of the alpha to no avail. Yet I can smell him so I know he is there, somewhere, he's just never here when I enter a room and that aggravates me more every passing minute.

Out of things to do I play hide and seek with the pup, draw and eat for a dozen. After lunch I even go on an expedition to explore the premises. I weave in the corridors, observe all the objects on display and let myself get lost in the maze of the third floor. At some point I find a wooden door bigger than the others, and instantly it piques my curiosity.

"We are not supposed to enter that room." Jordan whispers by my side.

He follows me inside anyhow, his face illuminated by his own curiosity.

"Never been in here before ?"

He shakes is head. We open the doors as quietly as we can and enter quickly before closing them behind us.

The sight in front of us leaves us dumbfounded. We are standing in a three storey high library filled to the brim with books. Old ones, new ones, rare ones. I can smell the scent of old paper that survived to time somehow.

"Wow.." We both breathe out at the same time.

We look at each other with mirroring smiles on our faces.

"Do you think there are maps to treasures ?" I ask thrilled.

"Books full of monsters ?" He adds.

"Books of spells ?"

"Stories of adventurers ?"

"Big secrets ?"

I laugh at the thought of all the possibilities.

"Let's find out." I declare and run to the first shelf. This row is in Hieroglyphs, the next one in Arabic and another one in Latin.

My own personal heaven.

"So ? What does it say ? What does it say ?" The pup prompts me jumping up and down.

I grab a book in Chinese and study it.

"That one is about a gigantic octopus !" I exclaim.

"Let me see !"

I show him the drawings and he gasps.

"What happened ?"

I read a few lines.

"The ship was attacked by the monster, its tentacles shooting everywhere, hitting the men in the boat. A strong warrior fought it with his sword and the captain pierced its head with a big spear. And they ate roasted octopus !"

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