Chapter Eleven

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Harry's P.O.V:

I just stare at the beautiful, older boy and wish for nothing more than just to be able to have him more often in my arms. His body peacefully resting on mine and it's the moment I realize that I have completely fallen for this boy. Head over heels and I can't help it, not that I want to anyways.


I slowly open my eyes, feeling an unusual weight on my chest. I blink a few times and find Louis still quietly snoring on top of me. I smile to myself and glance at the clock. His alarm is going to go off in 10 minutes and I decide to just watch him sleeping.

Louis' hair is all over the place and his mouth isn't closed fully. He's on his side, lying on my body. I want to stroke his face but I am afraid that he will wake up. I debate for a few seconds and eventually let my desire to touch him win. I gently run my fingers through his hair and then begin to lower my hand.

I caress his cheek slowly and then my fingers land on his lips. I use my thumb to gently run it over them. They are soft and so kissable, I instantly want to feel his lips on mine. I know that I would to take it too far to kiss him, while he's sleeping. He might wake up from the movements to get to his lips either way, so I quietly sigh and put my fingers into his hair again.

I play with his hair and watch the clock to put them out soon enough, before he wakes up. I have to do it earlier than I want to but it's just in time. I close my eyes again and hear his phone ringing.

Louis P.O.V:

I hear my alarm clock and groan. I want to roll out of bed and turn it off as I do every day but I am met with resistance. Totally confused, I pull myself up and open my eyes. I see Harry lying right next to me and suddenly remember everything that happened last night. Thankfully, I feel much better and don't have a headache. I look at his face and relief washes through me, when I see that he's still asleep. The ring tone pulls me out of my thoughts and I search for my phone, turning it off.

I look at Harry again and he still hasn't moved. What a heavy sleeper. I quietly leave the bed and tip toe to the bathroom. My clothes are still on the drawer and I change into them. I decide to take Harry's shirt home and wash it before giving it back.

I leave the house without any further disturbances and I feel like an asshole who just left his One Night Stand. I drive home and get ready for school. I even eat something and then make my way to school.

I really don't want to write my geography test today but I think I've studied enough to at least get a C.

The test is in my last class, so I still have some time to mentally prepare myself for it. After my first class, which is chemistry, I walk to my locker and talk to Nici.

She says that she doesn't feel well and that she'll go home. I ask her if she wants me to drive her but she denies and says that she will take the bus.

Nici is one of these girls that doesn't have a boyfriend but totally deserves one. She may not have a slim body but her green eyes and black hair underline her beautiful face. I may not be into girls but if I was, she'd be my type.

I open my locker and once again, a small and folded paper falls out. I smile to myself and pick it up. I check if anyone's watching and then unfold it.

I fancy you. A lot.

Out of everything that could be on the paper, these words are unexpected. I re-read the words over and over again, before slipping the note into my back pocket and getting my book out.

I totally forgot that we have sports class today. I am sitting on a bench in the gym because we are playing football and I am not allowed to play in socks. My mood isn't very good, since I love to play it. Football has always been one of the few activities where I could take my mind off everything and have fun.

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