Bad News - Prologue

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Lauren is sitting in class. She’s in the front row, by herself. She’s one of the few people that is actually paying attention to what Mr. Crisp is saying. He just started telling the class about how the Second World War started, when the door opens slowly.

Mr. Crisp averts his gaze from the classroom to the door to see who was there. Lauren, along with all other students, looks up too. The one and only Camila Cabello is standing in the doorway. She slowly takes a step forward into the classroom and closes the door behind her.

Camila doesn't look up at the teacher, or anyone else for that matter. She shoves her hands back into the front pockets of her jeans and starts making her way to the back of the classroom without a single word. When she's halfway there, Mr. Crisp calls her. ‘’Miss Cabello, you’re late. Again.’’

Camila just turns around and looks up slowly.  Her eyes are barely visible under the hood of her dark blue hoodie. She looks at the teacher for a second and turns around to proceed her journey to the tables in the back.

She stops at the last table, that's occupied by another boy. She just stands there, next to the table, waiting for him to move. She doesn't look at him, and doesn’t say anything, she just waits.

‘’Miss Cabello, as you can see, that table is occupied. Please find somewhere else to sit so I can continue my lesson.’’ Mr. Crisp says.

Camila doesn't move, and tilts her head slightly to give the boy a small glimpse of her eyes as she looks at him. After a short moment of half eye contact, he quickly grabbs his books and his bag, and jumps up to move to another table.

Camila looks down again to hide her face from the rest of the class and sits down. Lauren turns back around to face the teacher again, the rest of the people following her lead and waiting for Mr. Crisp to continue his lesson.

Lauren can’t help but wonder what made the boy decide to switch tables for Camila. She didn’t say anything, she didn’t even touch him. She just looked at him, and he moved.

Lauren knows that Camila is bad news. She’s the school’s biggest badass. But she isn’t the kind of badass you’d expect to rule the school. Camila isn't known for ditching classes, just running in late every single time. She isn’t known for being violent to other people or bullying anyone. She also isn’t known for her dating record. As far as Lauren knows, she has never dated anybody, at least not somebody from school.

Camila Cabello is known for her silence and mysteriousness. Nobody knows anything about her, except that she always wears a hoodie or a leather jacket with her jeans and white sneakers. She always has her hood on, and nobody has ever fully seen her eyes.

She doesn't talk to anybody, including teachers. She never speaks up in class, and teachers don’t even bother to get her to talk anymore. Every time somebody asks her something, she just looks up slightly and then looks down again, not answering. Sometimes she doesn't react at all. No matter what some teachers do, lowering her grade, sending her to the principal, or other useless threats, Camila will not answer.

Lauren has found herself intrigued by Camila ever since the first moment she saw her.

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