Bad News - Chap. 51

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Chapter 51


‘’I love you baby.’’ Camila whispered. The words gave Lauren chills throughout her whole body, but she couldn’t bring herself to say it back. Ally’s words were still circling her mind. She wasn’t sure what to believe anymore.


‘’Lauren?’’ Camila asked after a few minutes of silence. Lauren’s lack of a reply worried her. ‘’Laur,’’ she started, pulling away from Lauren slightly so she was able to look at her. ‘’Please, please tell me you don’t believe Ally?’’ Camila asked, fear evident in her voice.


Lauren bit her lip and looked down.

Camila sat up straight, letting go of Lauren. Lauren sat up too, trying her hardest to keep her eyes from looking at Camila. She didn’t know if she could handle that. The battle in her head was still going on strongly. Ally’s words versus Camila’s. But whose words are the strongest? Whose words are true?

‘’I-I..’’ Lauren stuttered. Camila scooted closer to her and took her hand in hers. ‘’Lauren, look at me please?’’ she asked. Lauren frowned and looked up slowly, uncertainly meeting Camila’s gaze. ‘’You know how much I care about you. I love you Lauren, I really do. I’m not playing any games here, I’m serious.’’ She told her softly.

‘’But.. Ally-‘’ Lauren started, but Camila interrupted her. ‘’No, don’t think about what Ally told you. You know that’s all lies. She just tried to mess with your head and make you believe that what we have means nothing to me.’’ She said.

‘’But, the picture, and the phone calls, and..’’ Lauren said, looking away from Camila again and pulling her hand out of Camila’s grip. Camila squeezed her eyes shut and stood up. She started pacing around in the room. ‘’Lauren, why are you listening to what she said!’’ Camila said, raising her voice unwillingly. ‘’She kidnapped you and lied to you. I’m your girlfriend, why are you listening to her instead of me!’’

She felt herself grow more irritated with every passing second that Lauren could doubt her love for her. How could she believe Ally, after everything they’ve been through? How could she doubt Camila when she saved her from being raped and murdered? How could she?

Lauren shook her head. ‘’I don’t know. She showed me..’’ Lauren tried again, but Camila interrupted her once more. ‘’What did she show you Lauren? Tell me!’’ Camila said loudly, her eyes piercing through Lauren’s angrily and making the girl pull her knees up to her chest and scooting back against the headboard of the bed.

‘’She… she showed me a picture of your car in front of Dinah’s house.’’ Lauren started and Camila raised her eyebrow. ‘’She said that it was taken a little while before I woke up. And she told me that you were still at Dinah’s place, not even bothering to come look for me.’’ Lauren said carefully.

Camila’s eyes grew wide and her hands balled into fists at her sides. ‘’What?’’ She asked, her voice sharp, loud and cold.

‘’She said that you wouldn’t come looking for me because you didn’t care. She showed me my phone’s call history, and you didn’t even call me! You probably didn’t even know I was gone!’’ Lauren said back loudly, tears forming in her eyes.

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