Bad News - Chap. 3

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Chapter 3


Lauren wakes up the next day with a weird feeling in her stomach. She had dreamt about her. She can still see the images clearly, like they really happened.

She dreamt about Camila. She dreamt about how she would look up for once, so she could finally see her whole face. Lauren has only ever seen Camila's mouth and nose, and since yesterday, a small part of her eyes.

She dreamt about how Camila would push back her hood and look at her. Talk to her. But right when Camila opened her mouth to speak and started lifting her head up, Lauren woke up.

Besides Camila hiding her face, she's also hiding her voice. She has never said a single word and it makes Lauren wonder what her voice would sound like. Would she have a soft sweet voice, or would it be strong, like her posture? Lauren goes for strong.

Everybody else that would always look down, would look vulnerable. Would be an easy target for everybody. But not Camila. She looks strong and confident while looking down, and nobody has ever tried to mess with her after the whole Joey thing.

The boy wanted to impress his friends by pushing Camila into the lockers in freshmen year. He should never have done that. Camila pushed herself away from the lockers and grabbed the boy's arm. She turned it to his back, just like yesterday, and kicked him in the back of his knees. When the boy fell down, screaming in pain, she hit him in the face repeatedly.

She only stopped when a teacher pulled her off of him. Nobody has messed with her ever since, or even tried to touch her. Yesterday proved once again, that the girl didn't like to be touched.

Lauren sighs and runs her hand through her hair. She gets up and quickly does her morning routine. After 30 minutes, she's driving to school. She doesn't have to pick up Dinah, because she took a ride with some other girl today.

Driving alone, gave Lauren some time to think. Camila has looked at her, twice now. She hasn't looked at anybody ever since the first day of High School. So why her? Maybe the first time was an accident because Lauren was staring at her.

But the second time definitely wasn't. She looked at her willingly that time. Lauren is forced to stop her thoughts when she drives into the school's parking lot and sees Normani waiting for her. She quickly parks the car, turns it off, takes a deep breath and gets out.

''Morning!'' she sais as normally as she can.

''Yeah, alright what's wrong Lo?'' Normani asks her suspiciously. Lauren's cheeks grow hot almost immediately. Mostly because she didn't get how Normani figured it out so quickly, and partly because she doesn't want her friend to know she was thinking about Camila. Again.

''W-what do you mean Mani? I just said morning.'' Lauren tries to sound casual. 

''Yeah, but you are just too happy for a Thursday morning, so tell me; what's going on?'' Normani asks with a smirk, knowing something is up with her friend.

Lauren sighs and looks at her. ''Alright, I'll tell you but it sounds a bit silly.'' She starts. Normani just looks at her, signaling her to tell her already.

''Yesterday, Camila Cabello looked at me in class, then again in the parking lot. I'm just not sure what it means and what's going to happen today.'' Lauren says quickly, closing her eyes in slight fear of her friend's reaction.

''Wow, Lo. I didn't know you would react like this when somebody you like looks at you. But since it's Camila, I can understand it. I mean, she hasn't looked at anybody, like ever, except for you now. You'll let me know what happens, right? Like, send a note when she killed you?'' Normani says mockingly, getting tired of her friend still not being over her little crush by now.

''Mani! You can't say stuff like that!'' Lauren says loudly to her friend. Normani just laughs and shrugs as she starts walking towards the front doors of the school. Lauren decides it would probably be best to just be silent and follow her friend inside.

Once inside, Lauren quickly goes to her locker to change her books and start her journey to her first class. Normani having parted ways with her almost immediately, when they walked into the school building.

Lauren walks into the classroom, but stops after two seconds. Camila is sitting in the back of the class, right next to the table Lauren usually sits at. Lauren gulps and takes a deep breath before continuing her walk to her table.

Camila is looking down, as usual. She's wearing a grey hoodie today, with a black leather jacket over it. Her books are already on her table, and Camila leans back into her chair, her hands shoved into her pockets and her feet crossed under the table.

Lauren quietly puts her bag on her table and sits down. In the corner of her eye, she sees Camila's head turn to her ever so slightly, before turning back.

She noticed me. Lauren thinks.

It seemed that not only Lauren was surprised by Camila being in class early. Every other student stopped for a second to make sure that it was Camila who was sitting there. Mrs. Kane comes in after a few minutes and starts reading down the list of names to see who is absent.

''Tucker Anderson.'' She calls, and the boy raises his hand. ''Johnny Cranten.'' She calls the next name. ''Here!'' Johnny yelles loudly. ''Glad you're here, Johnny.'' Mrs. Kane says sarcastically.

''Camila Cabello..'' she asks uninterestedly while she looks up. Camila tilts her head slightly and raises her hand a little.

''Camila.. uhm, glad you could make it.'' Mrs. Kane says, looking surprised. Camila looks down again, and Mrs. Kane continues listing the names after coming back from her shock of seeing the girl actually being in the classroom in time.

When Camila raised her hand, Lauren could see her sleeve sliding down a little bit, just like yesterday. And just like yesterday, Lauren could see a small bracelet. This time though, she was close enough to see the words incraved in it:

''Fight back.''

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