Bad News - Chap. 53

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Chapter 53


‘’I’m sorry, I don’t think it’s possible. Maybe with years of practice and patience, but I highly doubt it.’’ The man in the white coat said. Camila nodded, looking down at her feet, while tears were streaming down Normani’s face.

Lauren’s arms wrapped around Camila’s right one tightly as she rests her head on Camila’s shoulder. ‘’Is there any good news at all?’’ She asks the doctor carefully. Dinah wraps her arms around Normani’s shoulders in comfort.

The man shakes his head sadly. ‘’I’m afraid not. His condition is getting worse every 12 hours. I’m not sure whether he will actually make four days at all.’’ He answers the question. ‘’I’m sorry.’’ He offers, and Lauren nods at him politely.

‘’Can we see him?’’ Camila asks softly, looking up at the doctor questioningly. He nods. ‘’Yes, you can. But only one at the time. I don’t want any pressure on him at all.’’ He answers, before excusing himself and walking over to the next room for another client.

Camila’s head shoots up, her eyes connecting with Lauren’s in discomfort. Lauren reaches out to her cheek and gently lets her thumb caress it. ‘’It’s okay.’’ She says carefully, looking into Camila’s scared eyes.

Camila shakes her head. ‘’No, it’s not. I don’t know if I can go in there. Not alone.’’ She says and Lauren can hear the slight panic in her voice. ‘’What if..’’ she starts, but gets cut off by a sweet kiss from Lauren.

‘’Camila, you’ve been through worse.’’ She says meaningfully. ‘’You can do this, he needs you.’’ Camila looks at her, still fearing to not have Lauren with her when she sees him. She shakes her head lightly in protest, but Lauren continues.

‘’He needs to know that you’re okay Camz. That we’re okay. And you have to be the one to tell him. Just try, and if you can’t do it, I’ll be here. I’ll be just outside, waiting for you.’’ Lauren tells her comfortingly. Camila looks over at Normani, who is crying in Dinah’s arms. Then her eyes focus back on Lauren’s.

She takes a deep breath and nods. Lauren offers her a smile and a kiss on her cheek before Camila turns around and opens the door. Before she closes it behind her again, she looks at Lauren. Lauren nods at her and Camila sighs and closes the door.

When she turns around, she keeps looking down. She’s not sure whether she’s able to look up at all. She walks up to his bed slowly and sits down in the chair next to him. Camila takes a deep breath, gathering courage and then finally looks up.

She gasps slightly. He doesn’t look good at all. His face is pale and looks tired. The muscles usually visible in his arms, are weak and almost gone. His normally glowing brown hair now looks dull. His arm is in a cast, and there is plaster wrapped around his torso.

Camila clears her throat and swallows back her tears at the sight of him. ‘’Hey Ty.’’ She whispers. Of course, he doesn’t react. She knew he wouldn’t but she secretly hoped for a miracle. Like one you see in the movies, when they slowly move their fingers in their loved one’s hand. Or in this case, best friend’s hand.

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