Bad News - Chap. 18

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Chapter 18


‘’As you probably expected, it’s Chloe Denster, and Jason himself. They will both be there, along with the other witness.’’ He said. Lauren looked at him expectantly.


‘’Normani Kordei.’’ He said, before he walked away.

Lauren’s eyes went wide, and her mouth hung open as she watched the principle walk away. Normani? Was the only thing that went through her mind. How could she? Why would she do that? She saw what really happened, how can she just twist the truth around?


Lauren was completely lost in her own thoughts. She felt betrayed, even though Normani didn’t say or do anything against Lauren directly. She couldn’t understand why her friend would do such a thing. Does she really hate Camila so much that she wants her to get in trouble?

Lauren was pulled out of her thoughts by a soft squeeze on her fingers by Camila’s hand, which was still laced together with her own. She looked down at their hands for a moment, before she met Camila’s gaze.

Camila didn’t say anything. She just looked at Lauren, wanting to know what she was thinking, even though she can make a pretty good guess. ‘’How could she?’’ Lauren finally whispered after several minutes of absolute silence around them.

‘’How could she do something like that? She knows you’ve been suspended, and getting in trouble again may have some serious consequences. I mean, what if they kick you out of this school? That would be her fault. I can’t believe she would do that to somebody she doesn’t even know. I mean, she doesn’t even-‘’

Lauren got interrupted by Camila’s fingers. She softly placed two fingers over Lauren’s lips to make her stop talking. Lauren took a deep breath when she looked at Camila. They were sitting really close to each other, and it made Lauren feel nervous.

‘’Stop.’’ Camila whispered to her, and pulled her fingers back from Lauren’s mouth while she kept looking at her. Camila took a deep breath, before she spoke again.

‘’Maybe it’s better if I go alone.’’ She said softly. Lauren furrowed her eyebrows. ‘’No.’’ she said. ‘’No, Camila, I just told him that I will stand up for you. You shouldn’t get punished for something that wasn’t your fault. That’s not fair.’’ Lauren answered.

‘’No, but I’m used to things being not fair. I’ll probably just get a detention or something.’’ Camila tried to answer casually. She really didn’t want Lauren to be there, she didn’t even want to have that conversation with Jason and Chloe, and now that Normani girl too.

Lauren was hurt. She didn’t understand why Camila would let herself be blamed for something that she shouldn’t be blamed for. Why won’t she let me defend her?  Lauren thought.

‘’Why won’t you let me help you?’’ Lauren asked her softly, looking back down at their joined hands. Camila smiled. She thought that Lauren was adorable right now, not understanding why Camila didn’t want her there.

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