Bad News - Chap. 10

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Chapter 10


Lauren agreed to come over the next day, and Tyler had left quickly after settling on the time they would meet, remembering he was supposed to see Camila. Lauren turned around and got in the car, where Normani was smiling widely at her.

‘’Lo! Who on earth was that? He was so hot I had to turn on the air-conditioning in this car!’’ Normani says loudly, waving some cool air at her face dramatically. Lauren can’t help but chuckle at her friend and shakes her head.

‘’When did you meet him, did he ask you out? Come on girl, spill the details!’’ Normani yells, trying to follow the boy with her eyes while he gets back into the car.

‘’Okay, okay, will you just try and calm down a little?’’ Lauren answers her friend, laughing. She knows she can’t tell Normani how she met Tyler, so she has to come up with a lie, quickly. She hates lying, and she has never done it before, but she knows that Normani will go crazy if she knew about everything that happened.

‘’I... uh, I just met him in the park a few days ago. He came up to me and we.. uh, started talking. He-he said that he saw me here, and uhm.. he wanted to ask if we could hang out tomorrow?’’ Lauren says, not sure if Normani could tell she was lying or not.

‘’Well, what did you say?’’ Normani urges. ‘’You did say yes right, or is that Cabello girl still stuck in your head?’’ Lauren looks down, afraid to look her friend in the eyes and revealing the truth unwillingly.

‘’Uh, no. I said yes to Tyler.’’ She answers carefully, her voice soft and shaking slightly.

She slowly looks up and meets Normani’s gaze, who is looking at her intently.

‘’So, there’s no more Camila? Just that Tyler guy?’’ Normani asks her seriously. She has to make sure that Lauren stays away from her. Camila is nothing more than trouble, and Normani doesn’t want that for her friend.

Lauren gulps and nods weakly. Despite her feelings for Camila growing stronger with each passing day, she knows what she has to say to Normani to make the girl stop worrying.

‘’No. there’s no Camila, just Tyler.’’ She tries to answer strongly and looks directly into her friend’s eyes trying to look as convincing as possible. Normani holds her gaze for a few more moments, in which Lauren silently thanks God that her voice didn't shake this time.

‘’Okay then.’’ Normani says, and turns in her chair. ‘’Then I want all the details about you and Tyler first thing Monday morning! If you don’t make a move on that cutie, then I will.’’ She says, waving her hand dramatically.

Lauren fakes a laugh and starts the car to drop Normani off and go home. She has to prepare herself for tomorrow. Tyler said they would answer some of her questions, so she has to know which ones she wants answered the most.

When Lauren finally entered her house, she was thankful that everybody was gone. Her parents were working and Taylor was still at school. She went up to her room to try and write some questions down. Her mind was clouded and she couldn’t get a single one out, without getting at least twenty questions with it.

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