Bad News - Chap. 48

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Chapter 48

Mark sat down on the chair at the other side of the room, his energy low and his head spinning from Camila’s previous hits. ‘’Ally, please. Just kill me. I deserve it, not Lauren. Let her go, please. I’ll do anything.’’ Camila begged, her hands clasping together in front of her.


‘’No. You deserve to live, just so you can suffer.’’ Ally spat at her and kissed Lauren’s cheek. Lauren didn’t react, and just kept staring at nothing in particular. ‘’Say bye Mila.’’ She said, pushing the gun against Lauren’s head harder and putting her finger on the trigger.


‘’Please, don’t!’’ Camila begged loudly, her heart beating painfully in her chest and tears streaming down her face. But Ally didn’t listen to her and pulled the trigger.


‘’NO!’’ Camila screamed at the top of her lungs as she closed her eyes and heard the gun go off.

The sound of the firing gun was ringing in Camila’s ears. She heard a low thud and a groan. Camila forced herself to open her eyes and look, even though she knew she would never get the image of Lauren’s dead body out of her mind again.

While turning her head towards Ally she lunged forward, ready to break every single bone the girl had in her body. When she opened her eyes though, she stopped. Lauren was still standing there, looking right through her.

Ally was on the ground, with a heavily bleeding Tyler on top of her. ‘’Shit!’’ Ally cursed. She reached her hand out, but she couldn’t grab the gun, being only a few inches too short. Tyler looked up at Camila slowly and let his head fall down on Ally’s stomach, his breathing slowing down.

‘’Save her.’’ He whispered, before his eyes closed and his body stopped moving. Camila’s mouth hung open, her eyes wide and panting heavily. She ran up to them and hit Ally on her jaw as hard as she could. She took the gun and shoved it under the bed, not wanting to kill Ally that easily.

She took a quick glance at Mark, who was trying and failing to stand up from his chair. Then she turned back to Ally. ‘’I’ll kill you.’’ She spat at her, as she looked at Tyler’s motionless body. She hit Ally again, and then pulled Tyler carefully off of her.

Before Ally could stand up, Camila kicked her in the ribs, hearing them crack. Ally screamed out in pain, tears streaming down her face. Camila could see the small hole in the wall above the bed. The bullet had completely missed its target, due to Tyler throwing himself at Ally.

She grabbed Ally’s right leg and kicked down on her knee, making it bend in a way that it shouldn’t be in. Ally screamed at the top of her lungs again, while Camila hit her on her temple, her rage at Ally for almost killing Lauren taking over all of her senses. Ally’s eyes closed, and her breathing evened out, but Camila wasn’t done. She stood up and kicked against Ally’s head multiple times, until she was sure that Ally wouldn’t ever move again.

She turned to Lauren, who made herself sit down on the bed, looking at something in the distance absentmindedly. She saw Mark stumbling to the door, obviously trying to escape, but Camila wouldn’t let him get away. Not after what he did to Tyler.

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