Chapter 23

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The moment Mickey's lips touched mine, I suckled his tongue and drank the blood. His taste sent a shudder throughout my body and I felt his body shake along with mine. My hands reached to grasp his hair and I held on tight as I raised my body to press against his more firmly. Mickey grinded his hips on mine and placed one of his hands against my lower back to hold me up. My head fell back and Mickey pressed his lips to my neck before moving up, inhaling the scent on my skin.

His throat bumped against mine when he swallowed and the slow roll of his Adam's apple made me bite my lip.

I raised my hand, prepared to wrap it around his back. Instead, it bumped against his stomach and Mickey hissed vehemently.

It took me a moment before I comprehended what just happened. I shoved Mickey onto the bed, on his back, and straddled him. I pushed his shirt up to see that his abdomen was wrapped in gauze, but blood had seeped through. In fact, a lot of blood had seeped through. No wonder I had sensed his presence at the café before he even appeared. I must've smelled his blood miles away.

"Mickey," I whispered in shock.

"It's fine."

"It's not fine! You didn't even allow yourself to heal properly before you came here? What were you thinking?"

He stared into my eyes. "That I couldn't bear not having you by my side. Did you honestly think I'd wait patiently back at home for you to come back?"

I sighed before I shoved his shirt further up his chest and took it off completely. Mickey stared at me in confusion as I slipped his shirt underneath him so it laid in between him and the bed sheets.

"I never expected this sort of kink out of you, Lydia. Then again, you are a vampire."

I glared. "We are not continuing."

He raised a brow. "You told me to make you mine."

"That was before I found out you were still severely injured. This isn't the time for that."

Mickey watched me with wide eyes as I got on all fours atop him. I unwrapped the wound and saw that it looked horrible. The first time I saw the wound back at home, Mickey's body was barely holding itself together. Add in the fact that Mickey didn't allow proper rest and blood, and it was no surprise he was in this condition—even with our strong regenerative powers.

While vampires enjoyed the blood of humans, werewolves thrived off of wildlife. In a bustling city like this, Mickey had no source of blood. And knowing him, he probably didn't even bother asking the Copper Moon Pack for some.

I had a lot of work to do.

"We're not continuing?" he repeated my words.

I didn't bother sparing him another glance before I parted my lips and lapped his wound with my tongue. Mickey jolted at the contact and groaned immediately. I made sure my tongue was wet before stroking his gash again. Though the main purpose of a vampire's saliva was to close the puncture holes caused by their fangs, the saliva still worked with bigger wounds—though at a slower rate.

"Lydia," Mickey breathlessly said my name. "What the hell are you doing?"

"I'm healing you."

"You're killing me."

I finally looked up at him and saw that his lips were parted and his eyes were hooded. And was that a faint blush I saw on his cheeks? Impossible.

Dismissing his words, I focused my attention back on his wound. I couldn't believe he was walking around this whole time like this. I couldn't believe I didn't notice it in the first place.

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