Chapter 16

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"I knew it!" Octavia cried into her hands. "I knew Javier would go back to you!"

"Octavia..." Javier panicked and didn't know what to do as he stared down at his wife with frantic eyes. "Octavia, don't cry."

"Don't!" she continued. "Just leave! I don't want to see you right now!"

I sighed, knowing exactly what she thought. Just as I opened my mouth to reassure her, someone beat me to the chase.

"What is going on here?"

The three of us turned to see the new arrival. The first things my eyes laid on was his green eyes and dusky red hair. There was no doubt in my mind that this was the alpha of the Copper Moon Pack.

"Octavia, dear," he spoke in a soft tone and I felt Javier tense. "What's wrong?"

"Talon," Octavia whispered his name, and again, Javier tensed even more. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cause a scene."

"It's fine." He took a step towards us and I stepped in front of Javier, blocking him from approaching them any closer. It was as if he finally realized that I was here as well and looked down at me. His eyes slowly widened and I saw his Adam's apple bob up and down. "You..."

I lifted my chin. "Lydia Vincenti. Pleasure to make your acquaintance."

My voice seemed to startle him even more, but he quickly recovered and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm accompanying Javier on a visit. We're simply here to clear up a misunderstanding with Octavia."

Talon narrowed his eyes at me in confusion, but I turned my back on him. Javier glared at Talon with hard eyes and I knew the two of them had tension between them. However, I ignored the men and held a hand towards Octavia. She stared at me with surprise as I smiled reassuringly at her.

"I'm not here to take Javier away from you, Octavia. I'm here to let you know that you already have all of him."

I could tell she was confused by my words, but regardless, she took my hand and stood up cautiously. I glanced over her shoulder and saw that it appeared to be her room. No one else was in there.

"Should we go inside and talk?" I asked.

Octavia gazed into my eyes, searching for something. Whatever she found, it made her nod and she turned around and led me into the room.

I immediately followed her, but I quickly turned around and faced Javier when I was in her room. He stared at me, confused.

"Octavia and I will have our talk first. Alone."

"What?" he said shocked.

"I'll let you know when you can come in. For now, I want us to speak woman to woman."

Without waiting for his reply, I slammed the door on his face. He could've easily broken the door down, but he didn't. I turned around and saw Octavia standing in the middle of her room. Her hands were clasped together as she nervously glanced to the side.

I leaned against the door casually. "Like I said, Octavia, I'm not here to take Javier away from you. But I did end up here because he came to me and informed me about what happened."

Octavia closed her eyes. "No matter what you say, I know he feels something for you. I can still hear the affection in his voice every time he speaks your name."

"You're right." I said and her eyes shot up to mine. "He does. And I still feel something for him as well. But it's not what you're thinking. Javier was my lover in the past, but he was also my friend. He understood me the best just as I understood him. But we each have someone else now. We know that we can no longer go back to the way we were before, and we're happy with that. Javier loves you, Octavia. His blood mate is you."

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