Chapter 30

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"Are you sure you don't want to stay for a proper goodbye?" Mickey asked.

Right after my farewell, we left the soiree. I went to my room and changed out of my ripped dress before asking him if I should bring anything else. He told me since he traveled around so much, he never brought anything with him. The packs he stayed with often provided him with what he needed. Though he assured they would do the same for me, I knew it wouldn't be with as much selflessness compared to Mickey.

"I'm sure," I answered. "Besides, don't we have to catch up to your messenger soon? If the pack hears you denied their request, they'll go into panic."

I took one last glance around my room, knowing I would miss it. It was where I had lived my whole life after all. However, by the time I came back, it would most likely look the same. After all, my parents' room had been left untouched during their absence. There was no doubt my clan would do the same for me as well.

As I turned to Mickey, ready to go, I caught him staring at my bed with a strange expression on his face.

"What's wrong?" I asked. Mickey slowly turned to look at me. I immediately recognized the heat in his eyes. "No!" I shouted and took a step back. "Mickey! Don't even think about it!"

"Why not?" He softly spoke and took a step towards me. "You were eager at the party."

I blushed. "Yes, but now we have to catch up to your messenger!"

"He'll be fine. We have spare time."


He took hold of my hand and whispered, "How much longer will you make me wait, Lydia?"

I glanced at the door. "What if someone comes in? How will we look, if we're caught in my bed when we should've already been gone?"

"No one will come. Everyone is at the soiree, and knowing you vampires, it will last all night. Besides, this is your room. It will remain undisturbed until you come back."

He knew just the right words to make me hesitate. Mickey's hand had crawled up to my elbow, and he lured me closer to him until we stood in front of each other. Our breaths mingled together, our scents mixed in the air, and our drunken lust rose higher and higher. It had lingered since the soiree and finally reemerged now that we were finally alone.

"We haven't even married yet," I said, breathless. "The Elders will want us officially wedded. They will want a notice of it too. And there's the pack that is waiting for you. And the messenger you sent back." I snapped my gaze away from his lips, unaware I was even staring at them in the first place. "There's so much we still have left to do!"

Mickey wrapped a hand around the nape of my neck. "The worlds can spare us a few hours."

I shivered at his touch. "You're a fool, Mickey. Do you think we will be satisfied after a few hours?"

He stiffened and growled. "After all this time I've spent waiting for you, I fear not even a week will be enough."

My entire body trembled at the thought of us in bed for seven days—deaf to the cries of the worlds, only drowning in each other. The image beckoned me. Closer and closer, Mickey drew me to him. All the while, he had turned us until it was he who approached, and I who backed away.

The next moment, I was on my back atop my bed, and Mickey leaned against his forearms above me.

"This is why I was hesitant to admit my feelings," he murmured. "Whenever I am with you, I cannot help but despise the way I want you more than you want me."

His face twisted from torment and I reached for him, caressing his cheek with my hand. "That's not true," I whispered. "I want you so much, it's unbearable."

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