Chapter 10

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I could’ve easily broken away from Mickey. I should’ve broken away from Mickey. But I didn’t. I remained in his arms as he twirled us into the waltz. When I glanced to the side, I saw the shock on Giovanni’s face.

At least he wasn’t insulted.

“You’re crazy.” I hissed.

Mickey’s usual smile returned to his lips. “Thank you.”

“It wasn’t a compliment.” I glanced towards the werewolves and saw that they were all utterly shocked too. The only ones who glared were the females and I guessed it was because I was in the arms of Mickey. “You’ve caused a mess.”

“Have I?” he questioned curiously. “To my knowledge, we’re just dancing. There’s no harm in that.”

“I should be with Giovanni.” I said as I also glanced at my followers. Again, nothing but utter shock. “Not you.”

“I couldn’t exactly let my mate go off and dance with someone else, now could I?” he said in a casual tone.

That earned a glare from me. “Again with that mate crap? Do you seriously think I’d be fooled by you?”

Mickey stiffened against me and his smile fell before his eyes widened. He continued to stare at me in silence as our bodies moved in sync with the music.

“You still think I’m lying?”

“I can’t have two mates at the same time.”

A muscle ticked at the bottom of his eye. “Giovanni is not your mate. Obviously. Do you not see Camilla by his side?” he motioned to where they stood, but I didn’t look away from Mickey.

“I’m not talking about Giovanni.” I spoke in a firm tone, earning his full attention and curiosity. “I already have a mate, Mickey. It’s not you and it’s not Giovanni. My mate’s name is Javier Jennings, a vampire.”

Mickey didn’t look fazed from the new information.

“And where is he now?”

I clenched my jaw. “He had a duty to fulfill and left my side years ago.”

“And you still call him your mate?” he asked. “When he so easily left you?”

“Javier loved me. Leaving was the best choice for him and so I let him go.” I defended my blood mate. “You have no right to claim me when you don’t love me.”

He raised a brow. “Who says I don’t?”

“It’s obvious.” I wasn’t fooled. “You treat me the exact same as the women who were just surrounding you.”

You show me a smile I can’t understand—a smile that’s not exclusive to me.

Mickey gazed into my eyes. “Should I treat you differently then?”

The way he suggested it so casually—as if it was something he hadn’t thought of doing in the first place—caused a ripple in my heart that spread throughout my body. I immediately tugged myself away from him, but he brought me even closer to his body.

Our dance stopped and the distance between us was inappropriate, especially since we were no longer moving.

“Let me go.” I quietly spoke.

He didn’t.

Everyone’s attention was on us, but no one made a move to interrupt. Even I could feel the bubble in the atmosphere that separated me and Mickey from everyone else. But that meant I had to be the one to break away.

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