Chapter 6

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Mickey chuckled at my expression. I didn’t know what sort of expression I wore, but what I did know was that there was too much information to intake at once. Silently, I reviewed his words.

Omega of the Hidden Moon Pack.

He was the omega—the lowest of the low, the weakest link in a werewolf pack. Omega.

What did he say next? Something about a beast mate. His beast mate. Being me. A vampire. His alpha’s fiancée.

It was even more ridiculous than him being the omega.

“You’re lying.” I immediately said.

Mickey smirked. “Believe what you want.”

My eyes narrowed. “You can’t be the omega. Or my mate.”

His smugness wasn’t something an omega should possess. He was too proud to be an omega. As for the mate notion…that just plainly didn’t make any sense.

“Again, believe what you want.” Mickey stared down at me, his smile gone. He was now observing me, and I took that opportunity to observe back.

Appearance-wise, he was handsome. One of the best looking men I had ever laid eyes upon. Though he didn’t wear a serious face full of strength and authority like Giovanni did, I could sense that he was just as masculine.

But that was what confused me. How could a man who oozed confidence and pride have such a low title as omega?

I didn’t realize when I raised my hand, but it was suddenly on Mickey’s cheek. The motion made him stiffen from shock and his eyes widened slightly. My hand that cupped his face slowly moved up and my fingers tangled with his hair. Thick locks tickled my skin and I released a sigh.

“What can you achieve by lying to me?” I asked the question aloud, not expecting an answer from him.

If what he told me was the truth, then perhaps he was jealous? After all, the omega was seen as a nothing but trash to the rest of the pack. And Giovanni was the alpha, the strongest in the pack and someone who was the complete opposite of the omega. If I really was Mickey’s mate, then jealousy would be the answer.

But Mickey looked as if he didn’t care that I was Giovanni’s fiancée. In fact, he seemed amused by the whole situation.

Maybe it was something else. Revenge perhaps? Because he was the omega, maybe he was mistreated by the rest of the pack, especially the alpha. But that countered Mickey and Giovanni’s casual interactions. They were friends.

So in the end, Mickey was lying. He just had to be lying. But why?

And again, I was back to my original thought.

“Lydia.” He whispered my name and I pressed my lips together as a shiver racked up my spine.

My body was suddenly sending me mixed messages. A part of me wanted to hear more from his lips. I wanted to hear him whisper more than just my name. But another part of me shouted—screamed—at me to run, to get far away from him.

Attraction or repulsion?

“Lydia?” Giovanni’s voice sounded from the other side of my door and the two of us stiffened. The knob of the door shook for a second, and I relaxed slightly when I remembered that Mickey had locked it. “Are you still in there?”

I hesitated, but eventually said, “Yes. Sorry, I just had to change clothes. Can you wait a minute?”

“Sure.” He answered and I immediately teleported away from between Mickey and the bed.

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