Chapter 15

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Only after I woke up the next morning did I finally shower to clean the blood and tears off my body. Unfortunately, all the crying last night did nothing for my heavy heart. Hopefully through time-more like a few days away from Mickey-I'd be back to my usual self and the burden on my shoulders would lift.

At least I knew where the two of us stood with regards to each other now. And what I said last night was true. No one could make me back out of this marriage-especially after I had Mickey's child. I couldn't betray the two of them.

After I packed a small suitcase with some clothes for the trip, I dragged it with me to Javier's room. I lightly knocked on the door and waited. A second later, Javier stood in front of me. His eyes immediately landed on the suitcase behind me and he grinned.

"Ready?" he asked and I was internally grateful that he didn't ask what happened last night with Mickey after he left.

I nodded. "I just need to let Abraham know and then we can go."

Abraham was my guard, but he was also my second-in-command. When I wasn't around to help and guide my followers, it was his job to do so.

Javier stepped out of the room and followed me as we made our way to where I believed Abraham would be this morning. As usual, he was in the library, reading a book from the Vincenti collection. Throughout our generations, the Vincenti collected many books and records-some were read for entertainment while others were informative. Abraham mostly read fiction though, as he wasn't interested in history.

When Javier and I stepped into the library, Abraham lifted his head before closing his novel, using his thumb as the bookmark.

"You're leaving already?" he asked in surprise.

"I would've had to eventually." I shrugged. "Make sure things are in order around here, alright?"

"Of course." Abraham tilted his head slightly. "But what about Mickey? Did you tell him?"

"Yeah. He knows." I dismissively said before quickly following up with, "You should probably give Abraham your address, Javier. Just in case something comes up during the days I'm with you."

Javier agreed and quickly found a pen and a sheet of paper to write down his contact information. After he finished, Abraham lifted the scrap to his eyes with two fingers. He stared at it for a few seconds before tucking it into his back pocket.

"Alright." He nodded. "Have a safe trip."

I nodded back just as Javier pricked the tip of his index finger. As he smeared his blood against my hand, Abraham suddenly spoke again.

"By the way, Lydia." I glanced over my shoulder at him. "Don't have too much fun while you're away from your fiancé."

Abraham had no idea how much those words weighed on my heart. Even now, I still vividly remembered Mickey's words and the expressions he wore as he said them.

Regardless, I flashed Abraham a lazy smile. "That's none of your business, now is it?"

He simply chuckled in response before Javier finished.

Vampires had the ability to teleport with another living creature only by the power of their blood. It required more energy, but the two of us would get it back with some blood from humans in Javier's town.

Javier grasped my hand securely.

"Ready to go?"

I nodded. "Let's go."

Then I said my last farewell to Abraham before we left.


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