Chapter 2

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As a vampire, I had the ability to teleport to places I had already been. And since I needed to speak to Giovanni, the alpha of the Hidden Moon Pack—the pack which overlapped my territory—I simply teleported to where I usually did when I needed to speak to him.

There was a small hut which was built in between the two territories and Gio and I made sure that we always had at least one man there to inform each other of when the other was there to talk.

When I teleported to the small hut, I saw that the werewolf from the pack and my vampire messenger were talking between themselves. They were on friendly terms since the two of them had to frequently stand side by side to be the messenger of each species. Even that was proof that the rivalry between vampires and werewolves was slowly dying down.

I approached the two and told the werewolf to inform Giovanni that I wanted to talk to him. He nodded his head and did as he was told.

Werewolves had the ability to access others’ minds and speak through there. The werewolf at the hut told Giovanni about my arrival. I knew that because about a minute later, Gio appeared from the woods and approached me.

“Hello Lydia.” He raised a heavy brow. “Should we go inside first before we talk?”

I nodded, and the two of us entered the hut and we each took a seat across from each other at the table. Two chairs and the table were the only furniture in the small cottage since we used this place only for meetings and nothing more or less.

When I sat down, I tossed my black letter onto the table. Giovanni stared at it for a second before he pulled out his own from his back pocket. He handed it to me just as he picked up mine and we both read what was written on the note.

Gio’s letter was an exact replica of mine, except it was directed to him instead of me.

“The Elders like to move fast, don’t they?” Giovanni sighed as he placed the letter back on the table. “They talk of marriage and a Halfling child all on the same sheet of paper.”

I shrugged as I handed his letter back to him and picked up my original.

“We’re all adults here. They have their goal and they’re simply relaying for us to fulfill it.”

Giovanni observed me with one brow raised curiously. “You’re simply going to accept this with no fight? Do you want to wed me?”

“What? Are you unsatisfied with your bride?” I joked as I leaned my elbows on the table between us. “Will you refuse the Elders’ request then?”

“You and I both know that we cannot do such a thing.” Gio sighed again, and it was my turn to give him a curious look.

“Why do you sound so regretful about it? Do you have someone you’ll be leaving behind by marrying me?”

“It would be unfortunate if I had such a person.” He dodged the question and that was all I needed to confirm it.

I shook my head slowly with a heavy feeling in my chest. “Oh, Giovanni.” He didn’t reply. “You stupid, stupid mutt. Your beast mate is more important than the orders of some ancient, nearly-dead elders.”

“Some would disagree with that statement, Lydia. I happen to be one of them.” There was no hesitation in his words. Giovanni truly meant them.

“How long have you known her? Did you two just meet?”

“My beast mate is you. No one else. As stated by our letters.” He flapped the folded paper.

I flatly stared at him. “You don’t really believe that we’re mates, do you?”

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