Chapter 27

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The return of my parents called for alarm and celebration from the coven. Old friends of Xander and Privanna immediately started preparations for a soiree that very night. Though my parents did not want a party, their words fell on deaf ears. It was apparent that Xander not only missed the coven, but the coven missed him too.

I took no offence. Before me, my father was head of the Vincente clan for over a millenia. Of all the Vincente, he led the coven for the longest period of time. While previous leaders often died from the Underworld's war-ridden times, Xander survived long and strong, earning fame and reputation.

When it was my turn to take over the Vincente, of course there had been push back. However, I earned the entirety of my vampires' respect when they saw how I handled the Hidden Moon Pack with authority and civility, rather than give in to their territorial demands at the change of a new leader.

My home was now bustling with activity from vampires making the preparations for the party. When I volunteered to help, they told me to relax, as it was also a celebration for me as well—a celebration for all the Vincente.

"Still nothing from your fiance?" Ji-Sun asked.

"Of course not," I calmly said. "Mickey hasn't entirely lost his stubbornness."

She raised a teasing brow. "Well, neither have you." I stiffened from her words.

Zachariah suddenly appeared at the entrance of my home and blinked at the sight of bustling vampires. He appeared at my side and asked, "Why?"

"My parents are back."

His eyes widened just the slightest. "Xander and Privanna?"

Then, he immediately disappeared. No doubt to find his old friends. Zachariah was old enough to be close to my father when he used to lead the Vincente. His friendship with me was due to his already close camaraderie with Xander.

"Like a storm," Ji-Sun murmured, referring to Zachariah.

I smiled in agreement. Ji-Sun watched me with observing eyes, and I knew exactly what was going through her head. Since I got back from my trip, we hadn’t had time to sit down and have a proper talk about how it went.

Until now.

Of course, Ji-Sun approached delicately. “So how was the trip?”


“I notice you and Mickey seem a little closer now. Well...before the big argument.” Ji-Sun leaned her chin against a fist. "I'm assuming you were able to help Javier with whatever problem he had?"

"I did. He's happily in love with Octavia and she returns his feelings."

She released a sigh of relief. “Good to hear. To be honest, I worried about you and Javier. The two of you seemed so in love with each other.”

One side of my lip twitched into a half-smile. “I agree. But it seems Mickey really is my mate. I thought my blood mate would be someone I always got along with. Turns out the guy I found most difficult to deal with was the right one.”

Ji-Sun smiled. “You really love him, don’t you?”

“Yes,” I whispered. “That’s why I have to figure out what our next steps will be.”

“Glad I’m not in your position.” Ji-Sun waved a hand dismissively. “I wouldn’t know what to do.”

“I do.” We turned to the new voice and saw Abraham approach. He took a seat on the arm of the couch we sat on and grinned. “I’d take my mate with me.”

Ji-Sun rolled her eyes. “Even if she already had duties she needed to fulfill? Even if she didn’t want to go with you?”

“Of course.” He casually crossed his arms. “Besides, what’s more fun? Staying in the same place, repeating your days over and over again, or exploring the worlds in ways you’ve never seen them before?”

I kept my mouth shut, surprised at how Abraham seemed to have read my mind. Both he and Ji-Sun didn’t sense the change in me and continued to bicker.

Would the coven see it as a betrayal if I wanted to leave with Mickey? They found my marriage with him hard to accept, but only did so for the Elders' sakes. Then again, I did notice that after we joined forces against the Virile Moon Pack, my vampires and Gio’s werewolves were more sociable with each other. Tensions were also the lowest since we became neighbors.

Giovanni. I wonder what he would think of our situation. He must know by now if Mickey even bothered to consult the information with him. My heart had ached for Gio and his mate, but Mickey and I ended up just like them. It seemed I was doomed to be with men who had other priorities besides me.

First Javier, then Giovanni, now Mickey. But it was strange. With Giovanni, I had no qualms since our relationship had only been strictly contractual. With Javier, the thought of running away with him pricked my mind for only a split second before I let him go. With Mickey...the thought of never seeing him again made me want to rip my heart out.

All the calm I showed him was but a facade. Yes, I could stick to my words and see him when I wanted, but even I didn't believe them. I said them, knowing he would be provoked. Part of me felt relieved to see him reject my offer. But another part of me reprimanded myself for playing games with him, even when I knew Mickey would beg for me. He had begged for me.

I sighed, remembering the look on his face in the hotel. A man at his level of pride would never usually do what he did. The desperation in his voice echoed in my head, and I shivered from the memory. I wondered if he was thinking of me right now as I thought of him.

In the end, seeing him on occasion wouldn’t be enough. I want him by my side. I want him with me to raise our child. Just thinking about Mickey made me want to see him right now.

A wry smile stretched my lips. How could I expect Mickey to get over his stubbornness when I hadn't completely gotten over my own?

“Lydia?” Ji-Sun said, and from the sound of her tone, she had called my name a couple times now.


“Are you okay?”

I saw both her and Abraham watch me with worried gazes. What expression had I been wearing, I wonder? Had my conflicted thoughts reflected on my face?

“I’m fine,” I reassured.

A strange look crossed over Abraham. “I know I joke a lot, but do what you think is right, Lydia. No one would blame you.”

I gave him a skeptic look. "I don't think no one would blame me. There would be plenty of disapproval."

Blaire, for example, came to mind. He was suspiciously absent during all the party preparations, but seeing as how protective he became of the female werewolves rescued from the Virile Moon Pack, I wouldn't be surprised if he was by their side, even now. It was obvious Blaire was maturing and saw the relationship between vampires and werewolves as something more than a blood-filled rivalry. Still, he placed me high on a pedestal, as did the rest of the Vincente.

"Of course. You've earned your reputation as the proper Vincente Princess. To rebel now would be a shock to many."

"Exactly," I agreed, though with a small pang of reluctance. A knowing silence filled between us, even as the rest of the building continued to clamor with noise. My chest ached from thoughts of Mickey. Visions of our future together did nothing to soothe the pain. It did the very opposite in fact, causing only more heartache. I whispered, "Would it be selfish of me?"

They didn't need to ask what I was referring to.

"Yes," Ji-Sun answered. "But…"

"But…" Abraham finished their shared thoughts. "…when was the last time you put your desires before the Vincentes'?"

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