chapter 4

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When the smoke cleared, her Oliver turned around to see who had managed to save his life from the Darker version of himself. While her black hair was loose, the mask covered her face and he couldn't quite realise why he found them familiar.

And as he tried to work it out, he realised why the figure was stumbling. A red and black arrow was embedded into their chest as they stumbled backwards, falling over the edge of the balcony and landing on the ground at the alters.


"You wiped the minds of the guests at the wedding?"

"Yep. Everyone's secret identity remains secret," Mick answered Oliver, placing the memory gun back down on the table. Barry turned to look at Kara, who had her arms crossed as she looked over Alex for any injuries.

"Any idea where they fled?" He asked, the girl shaking her head.

"No. I flew over the entire city, there's no trace of them."

"Well, clearly they attacked because you all were there," Iris pointed out, knowing that it was no coincidence that her wedding had been attacked and that all of the Earth's heroes had been gathered at that time.

"Killers, heroes, then what?"

"If I know my history, ethnic cleansing, world domination," Felicity said, Oliver holding on to her tightly as she shivered. All of them knew exactly why Felicity was one of the ones feeling the most ill at what they had just witnessed, along with Stein. This had a much deeper connection to them than it did to the rest.

"Make America Aryan again," Jax snarled, reminding everyone exactly where the Nazis stood in their politics.

"Which it never was."

"Hashtag "melting pot"."

There was a slight pause before Stein continued with his thoughts. "Their appearance seems quite a severe course of action in support of a cause that was defeated over 70 years ago.

Apparently they didn't know about the Yalta Conference."

Everyone looked at each other in sadness before Mick muttered his confusion.

"What's a Yalta?"

He was ignored as Kara continued to brainstorm what they wanted and who they were. "That woman didn't seem surprised to see me," she pointed out, confused on how she was so similar to the girl.

"How did she even know you were on this Earth? And how was she as strong as you?"

"That archer matched me, shot for shot. That other archer, the one restrained in the med-bay, they tried to help me - which really makes even less sense," Oliver told them all, his eyebrows furrowed as he tried to figure out what was going on.

"Wait, helped?" Jax interrupted, not having heard this part of the story yet.

"Yeah, the archer was about to kill me but they just suddenly switched teams," Oliver confirmed, leaving everyone even more confused than they previously had been. "You know, I think it's time we got some answers."

Oliver walked towards the screen where Prometheus was being displayed, the man pacing back and forth in the small meta-human holding cell. The screen on the left of it displayed Millie, unconscious and tied to the medical bed.

"Yeah, uh, he aint exactly talking," Jax reminded them as Oliver looked at the first screen. "And we can't get that mask off her, it's like stuck."

"Let's make him talk then," Sara snarled, everyone jumping slightly as they forgot she was there. The blonde had been unusually quiet about the whole thing but they all knew that she was furious. Oliver could tell that something about the whole situation had Sara on edge and he too knew that there was something they were all missing but he hadn't figured it out yet.

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