chapter 13

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"She is inbound and ready. The doomsday device," Lance told them, leaning forward and pressing one of the buttons on the control pad to allow the device to appear in the air on the other side of the glass. "The Wellenreiter is fully operational and at the ready, mein Fuehrer."

The dark Waverider sent a chill through Callie's spine. A place that had once felt like home to her was not supposed to have been corrupted by this world - but yet, just like everything else that mattered to her - it had been.

"Shall we send her through?"

A pause hung in the air as Callie waited for Oliver to speak, afraid he would blow their cover.

"As scheduled."


"Is there anything else I can help you with?" General Lance said as he watched the two stare thorugh the window at the Dark Waverider taking off into the breach. Callie felt her throat get dry as she remember that members of her team and family were all alone on the other end of that portal.

Oliver shook his head, turning stiffly to look at the man. "No, that'll be all."

The hairs on the back of Callie's neck suddenly rose, the sudden awareness that everything was about to go incredibly downhill rushing through her body. Turning slowly to look at the General, she noticed the hardened look in his eyes that proved he knew exactly who they really were.

"Very well. Before I go, I have something for you, mein Fuehrer, and you too Falke. A gift to celebrate your return. Guard!" His voice echoed through the control room as the door burst open, both of the Earth-1 inhabitants turning to see two shivering bodies being shoved into the room.

Callie swore in her mind as she noticed exactly who the two on the ground looked like. While the woman was the splitting image of Felicity Smoak, the man was also this Earth's Ray Palmer. Callie felt her throat run dry as she stared at them, knowing exactly what was to come next.

"Well, I know how much you enjoy executing rule breakers, and this one has broken many of them. We discovered this Jewess handing her rations to the work camp children. Strictly against camp rules, of course. And this man, trying to help others escape!"

"Those children were starving," Felicity croaked, her voice harsh and raw from her screams.

Oliver took the gun from Lance's hand, passing the second one that was held out to Callie. He knew that he wasn't going to take the shot but he needed to think of a plan quickly.

"Well, this must be hard. I hear your doppelganger on Earth-1 loved a woman who looks just like this," Lance said to Oliver, a small smirk on his face as he realised that he had caught them out. Oliver ignored him, turning around and raising the gun to face the shivering woman.

Callie wasted no time in he rmovements. Turning around, she clicked her gun into position at the same time Oliver did. Taking a deep breath, Callie looked at Ray in front of her and reminded herself that this was not her Ray.

Pulling the trigger at the same time as Oliver spun around, Callie knew that Oliver had just blown it for both of them. Lance laughed loudly as he shoved the fake gun out of Oliver's hand as he looked between the two. Oliver shot Callie a small look of surprise from the corner of his eye as he realised that she was going to have shot Ray without hesitation.

"Did you really think I would hand you a loaded weapon before verifying who you are?" Lance yelled, his neck tense as he raised his arm to signal the start of gunfire.

Oliver ran forward, sending himself and Lance toppling to the ground as they tried to avoid the gunfire while fighting. Ducking to the ground, Callie pushed slightly at Felicity and Ray to shove them behind one of the desks and out of the way of the bullets.

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