chapter 32

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Sara shot awake with a start, immediately noticing that Callie's hand was clutching her own as she tried to calm her breathing. The Merlyn heir looked at her wife in confusion, running a hand through Sara's hair to calm her as she heaved.

"What happened?" Sara breathes, her eyes still adjusting to the darkness in their room before Callie leaned over and turned the lights on lowly.

"I think you were having a bad dream... involving John?"

Sara instantly stopped heaving as the confusion took over her brain. She turned to look at Callie in surprise, not sure if they were thinking of the same John.


Callie nodded, a small smirk on her lips as she fiddled with Sara's fingers. "I assume so, unless you've started to dream of John Diggle?"

Sara rolled her eyes, nodding silently to confirm that Constantine's name rang a bell but she didn't want to bother Callie with the contents of her dream. Patting Sara's arm, Callie knew that she obviously didn't want to talk about her nightmare from her silence and rolled out of their bed.

"Why are you getting up?" Sara moaned, pouting as her wife rummaged through their closet as she began to pick out an outfit for the day. Sara propped herself up on one arm as she watched her finally decide on a pair of ripped jeans, her old and faded blue Queen Consolidated tee and a pair of timberlands that Sara was sure Callie had begged Gideon to fabricate for her.

"I promised I'd go meet up with Ollie for lunch, remember?"

Sara hadn't remembered. Sure she knew that Callie was going for lunch with him at some point, but she had completely forgotten that it was that afternoon that her wife was departing for a few hours to meet up with their best friend for lunch. After returning from Earth-X, Callie had promised him that she would try and get back to Star City more to see him.

"Pardon the interruption, Captain, but you're needed on the bridge."

"Oh, come on," Sara groaned, flopping back down on the bed as Callie laughed from across the room, her fingers finishing lacing up her boots as she rose to smile at her wife.

"Don't keep them waiting, I'll be back before you know it."


"So, Z and Amaya, you take the Time Courier to Billings, Montana in 1997. The Mona Lisa is about make a very special appearance on the Antiques Roadshow. Nate and I will pick up Einstein in the Ice Age, and you two are on the Jumpship to find and return a dog named Laika to the Soviet space program."


Sara stopped in her spot as she turned to face Mick who had refused her plan. The man usually was a little grumpy, but he didn't often disobey her wishes. Sara placed her hands on her hips as she narrowed her eyes at the man, already in a bad mood as it was. She had been having a killer headache since her nightmare and Callie being away wasn't helping her nerves.

"Excuse me?"

"I'm not chasing a Ruskie pooch."

"Uh, I could actually use Mick's help reforming the Fire Totem," Ray interrupted, causing Sara to rub at her head again before throwing her hands in the air and giving in. She didn't have the effort to have an argument.

"Fine. Nate, you go with Wally, and I'll go get Einstein alone," Sara said, winching slightly as she received another stabbing pain in her head.

"Mmm. You okay?"

"Yeah, do... I'm fine," Sara said as she waved them off. Looking around at them, she realised why they were all still hovering around the bridge. "All right, that's it. No snazzy send-off. Mama's got a headache."

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