chapter 21

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As Sara and Callie exchanged rings, the room all shared joyful laughter as both of the women's hands shook while trying to place the ring on the other. Once they finally had managed to stop their excitement and get the rings on their fingers, there was only one thing left to do.

"I officially announce you wife and wife, you may now kiss the bride!"

And while their friends cheered and hollered as they shared their first kiss as a married couple, Callie swore that her life had never felt more complete than in that moment.


"This is certainly different to the type of parties we grew up at," Tommy murmured to Oliver, nudging the man in the side as they looked out across the room from where they were standing at the bar.

Oliver laughed, raising his beer and clinking it against Tommy's. "Yeah, I'll drink to that."

Looking back across the room, he watched as Callie and Sara started their first dance as a married couple. Their friends and family had all turned their attention to the dance floor, and he was sure that he spotted Felicity taking numerous photos of the happy couple. Barry had his arms wrapped around Iris from behind as they swayed lightly at the side of the dance floor.

Callie was laughing loudly, her head thrown back as she took delight in whatever Sara had murmured into her ear during their special moment on the dance floor. Oliver could see Laurel from across the room standing beside her father as they hugged each other while watching the two former assassins finish up their first dance.

While Oliver had never really been a massive fan of the team that Sara and Callie travelled around with, he knew that there was nothing him or the others could do that would ever be able to repay what they had done for them all that night. He didn't like being in debt to people - but this was one time that he knew wouldn't bother him.

Watching as their dance ended and everyone around him let out loud cheers, he couldn't help but stand still as he watched Laurel and Tommy join up on the dance floor with the other couples in the room. A lump formed in his throat as he raised the beer in his hands to his lips, thinking about the moments they had lost just like this one.

A warm and gentle hand wrapped around his own, snapping his eyes away from the couple and to the blonde woman that was standing on his left looking at him with nothing but a knowing look. He smiled gently, allowing her to pluck the beer from his hand and take it a sip of it herself.

"I know it's been a hard journey that started that second we decided to get on that boat together," Sara told him as she passed him the beer back, "but I'll forever be grateful for the lessons it's taught us."

"And what lessons would that be?" Oliver asked, knowing the lessons he had learned. He knew she had learned the same but the curiosity inside him of whether she had learnt anything else was revisited in her words.

"To love without fear, that no amount of pain can bring someone back, everything can be solved with a little team-up," Oliver laughed at that one, snorting as she finished her list, "and that everything is worth a little wait."

Looking down at her hand as he gave it a tight squeeze, his eyes trained on to the golden band that now rested on her ring finger. A wide smile burst across his face as he looked back across the dance floor at where Callie was dancing and spinning around with Kara and Iris, a wide smile spread across her face.

"Sara Lance, oh how we've grown."


By the time Mick had set three of the tablecloths on fire, Sara and Callie knew it was time for them to make their leave. Having changed out of their wedding outfits, they began to bid their farewells to all of their friends who had gathered at the manor to celebrate with them. The Legends didn't say goodbye for they would see the newly married couple only minutes later as they flew them to their Honeymoon destination.

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