chapter 12

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"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't just end you here," he growled, pushing the barrel tighter against her head. Callie didn't look away, she just kept her eyes focused completely on his.

"I can't. You should pull the trigger," She yelled, the resentment at herself for what she had done flooding her body along with the pounding guilt and grief for the person that she had let herself become.

General Schott didn't need to be told twice. His finger moved, the trigger of the gun pressed by his finger.


"What are you doing?"

Alex didn't turn around as she heard Sara come up behind her. She had no time to pause, Kara was going to die if she didn't manage to get herself home. Kara was her sister - biological or not, it didn't matter.

"Looking for a gun or knife anything. Okay, I don't care how many Sturmtigers they have out there. I'm gonna go save Kara, with or without the help of these people!" Alex ground out, rummaging around the cupboards as she tried to find something to use. Slamming her hands down, she tried to ignore Sara speaking.

"No, you're not," the blonde reasoned, knowing that this was not the way to go about things.

Alex rolled her eyes, not caring for Sara at that moment in time. Kara needed her. "I'm a government agent certified in over 30 military weapons."

Sara smiled softly as she recognised the fire that burned inside of Alex. It was the same motivation that she had seen in many of her teammates and friends. "And you're impressive, I'll give you that. But you still can't fight your way through an army of Nazis alone and scared."

"I'm not scared." Alex argued, not happy that Sara was trying to tell her how she was feeling.

"No, not for you. For your sister," Sara spoke gently, knowing exactly what Alex was going through. She had been through this before, and it was a constant battle that she fought every day.

"I should've done more. I mean, if I hadn't gotten so distracted."

Sara laughed lightly, a smirk on her lips as she tossed her hair over her shoulder and leaned against one of the steel supports that held the building up. Crossing her arms, she allowed a cheeky tone to fall from her lips. "Well, sorry to be a distraction."

"You don't understand. I can't lose her."

Sara almost froze up, realising that Alex really didn't understand how similar they were.

"I understand more than you think," she said, letting out a deep sigh as she decided to open up. "I lost my sister. The anger and guilt that I felt for not being able to save her took me down a dark path."

Alex turned around, her face dropping as she heard the pain and sorrow in Sara's voice. She knew that the woman had a rough lifestyle but she hadn't realised the pain that Sara had been though over the years. "I'm sorry. I didn't know."

"How could you? I mean, the only thing we know about each other is what we look like with clothes off. Beautiful, by the way," Sara winked, causing a blush to creep up Alex's face. "You also don't know that I protect my team, and you, Danvers, you're on my team. And I promise you, we're not gonna let what happened to my sister happen to yours."

"I'm sorry. I just want to I want to save Kara, and I want to get back to Maggie."

"Maggie is?"


"Yeah. I had a Maggie too and I thought about going back to her all the time," Sara started, her voice wavering slightly before she ran her finger across the band that hung from the necklace on her neck. "And then Callie came along, and that thought faded. Look, Alex. You seem like a pretty thoughtful person. And if you thought it wasn't gonna work out and had to end it, I'm sure that reason was valid. Trust your instincts."

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