Blood Drive ☾

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-Chapter One-

Sitting down on the couch across from my sister, I watched with pained eyes as her fragile body shivered under all the covers on top of her. No matter what I did she still felt deathly cold but her skin was burning to the touch. Her dull matted brown hair was stuck to her sweaty forehead as her body burned from the inside out. It wasn't a normal fever because it has lasted far more than regular ones due. No amount of medicine and antibiotics could cure, a medical mystery. There wasn't much I could sell in the small house that we lived in to get money.

The open envelopes with papers stating past due payments and foreclosure on our house littered the coffee table that stood between us. A hot cup of hot chocolate with whipped cream, her favorite, was placed there and has not been touched. I took a swing of mine trying to find comfort but the warm liquid did not warm me from the inside like usual. My parents died not so long ago of the same rare illness leaving me to fend for her since the age of 18. It has been two years with her living in this state. The doctors could only give medicine to treat it temporarily. Since we could no longer pay to be in the hospital Ana was back home in the comfort of our living room. I only wished it was me instead of her going through this pain and suffering. I didn't want to be left alone, I was desperately grasping at strings to keep her alive.

"Don't worry," Ana breathed in deeply before continuing with ragged breaths that sounded as if her body was starting to shut down. I wouldn't be surprised if it was, a high fever for a long period of time can literally cook up your organs. "I'll be fine." Her golden brown eyes were starting to glaze over as her body was failing to win against this illness.

"Yes, yes you will. I'll be back." I stood up and set my cup on the coffee table and fixed the pillow underneath her head. With a kiss on her warm forehead, I grabbed my keys off the coffee table and headed towards the door in a rush. I have to find a way to get some money, fast.

"I love you." She whispered weakly as I grasp the door handle tightly. Internally I was fighting against my emotions to break down and cry in front of her. It would not help her to see me like that since she looked up at me for support no matter how bad it seemed. Still, I needed a second to compose myself so I kept my head down and turned away from her so she couldn't spot the unshed tears in my eyes.

"I love you too, Ana, you will get better so don't act like these are your last moments." I turned towards her to flash a smile before walking out the door and into the cold open breeze that hit me hard. Ana had forced a smile back so I could feel better. She was that good of a person that even in so much pain she still smiled through it. But her burning pale skin and dull brown eyes were all I could see when I blinked.

Finally letting my emotions take over, I crashed down crying while driving. I didn't know where I was going because without money I couldn't go to the pharmacy and buy her the medicine. My cards were maxed out and I owed friends even neighbors money. Ana is the only thing keeping me sane and I just can't sit by to watch her die without trying everything there was to offer.

Blood Drive.

I've heard some old ladies gossiping about there being a new vampire Blood Drive around town that paid well. Although, in their eyes, anyone who went there was viewed as a whore since you get money for selling your blood. Still, my hopes went up and I wiped away the tears that had fallen down to my cheeks with my hands. Gripping the steering wheel tighter I began to look for this so-called Blood Drive place.

Since it was a Saturday night a majority of the cops in this small town were probably in a local bar drinking their lives up so I didn't need to worry about getting pulled over for speeding. I arrived at the destination the paper map from the gas station told me but there was nothing around just trees. I drove around in circles until I noticed a little dirt trail and slowly followed it, focusing all my attention on the road as it was my only source of hope. I pressed on the brakes when I saw a huge building exceeding three stories yet the tall trees concealed it perfectly. It was shocking to see since the biggest buildings in my town were two stories. I noticed it had black tinted windows all around so you couldn't take a peek inside. I only knew I was in the right place because of the sign it had above the big double doors. The pulsing LED sign was a blood-red crescent moon.

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