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The ride to Jason's house was more of a party than a trip. Lucas and I had control of the AUX, and we took that opportunity to play all the mumble rap we could. Addy, who hated mumble rap but was too busy driving to do anything about it, complained on and on, but that just fuelled me and Lucas. It was a rare time to assert your opinion over Addy's, and when you did it was something you should cherish.

We arrived at Jason's large mansion quickly. The house was impeccable, the lawns manicured and the windows gleaming and guards friendly. Seeing it like this, I would've never have guessed it would be so lonely inside. When we finally entered, I got the wierd feeling of being in an abandoned house. There was no sign of life, no lights open, no TV playing, nothing. Feeling awkward, I went back and rung the doorbell. We usually just entered, but today it felt like we had to announce ourselves.

A minute after I rung the bell, Jason came bounding down the stairs, his smile stretched wide across his face as he all but glowed pure happiness. His dark brown hair was messy like he'd just gotten out of bed, but his brilliant green eyes were sparkling.  He was still in his pyjamas, and they looked cozy like he'd just gotten out of bed. The moment he reached the bottom, Addy and I launched ourselves at him. He caught us easily, laughing at our excitement.

"How are my two favorite girls?"

And just like that, it was like we'd never been annoyed at him for cancelling on us. With just one second in his presence, I'd forgotten anything and everything I'd been angry about.

"We missed you, J," Addy said. She would only ever admit something like this to Jason. Addy was softer with him, the one person she didn't give her ice queen exterior. I'd always assumed it was because he was like a brother to her, but Lucas was her actual brother, and she never softened up around him.

"I think you guys might be suffocating him," Lucas laughed. "Poor Jason's turning a little blue."

Immediately, I dismounted, but Addy didn't. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he carried her tiny frame easily. At six foot one, their height discrepancy certainly didn't make it difficult for Jason to carry her.

We all went into the family room and ordered pizzas. We sat around for hours, talking about everything and anything. It was so comfortable with them, so easy. I couldn't imagine a life where I didn't have them, where I didn't have this completely effortless way of relaxing and just being myself.

"So you're all for sure going to Brad's party?" I asked later on in the night.

"Guys, I have a fun drinking game," Addy said. "Everytime Leila asks about Brad's party, take a shot. We'll be wasted in the span of ten minutes."

"Oh, fuck off Addy. I just want to make sure Jason's going."

"I'll probably go," Jason said. "Not sure yet."

"But we have to for the soccer team," Lucas said.

Jason shrugged. "Yeah, but what's Brad going to do if I don't go? Kick me out?"

"Dude, don't try Brad. He'll give you hell."

"Honestly, I don't really care about the soccer team anymore. I'm thinking of quitting anyway."

"What?" all three of us said in unison. This was completely out of character; soccer had been Jason's pride and joy for fifteen years. This was news to all of us.

"Yeah, I don't know. I was thinking about it and I'm just not that into it anymore."

"Jason, Brad was going to make you captain. Don't be stupid," Lucas frowned at him.

"Yeah, but now he's going to give it to you. Win-win scenario."

Lucas shook his head. "I don't want it like this."

Best Friends ForeverOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora