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Coming into school the next day, I was nervous for the undoubtedly awkward situation I was now in with Jason and Lucas. I was nervous to see them in person for the first time since Brad's party, and I didn't know how I should act. The plan was to pretend that nothing had happened, but that was easier said than done.

As it turned out, it was just as easy said as done. It was clear that Jason and Lucas had both come to the same conclusion to sweep things under the rug, so on the outside everything was completely normal. Despite that, something just felt off. I couldn't pinpoint the problem, but the vibe wasn't our usual carefree, comfortable one.

We were sitting at our favorite table by the window in the cafeteria, watching the leaves blow in the light breeze and chatting aimlessly about school when Addy came and joined us. She was dressed impeccably, in heeled over-the-knee boots and a tiny black denim skirt that accentuated her figure. That wasn't the first thing I noticed about her, though. The first thing I saw was that her normally curly hair had been straightened, a stark difference from her mane of tight black curls that had become her signature look.

If I was being honest with myself, I liked her curly hair better. Something about it was way more Addy than her straight hair. But after Brad's snub at his party, I was going to compliment the shit out of her. I just wanted her confidence back.

"Addy, you look so fucking hot today, what the actual hell? I'm literally in love with you," I said.

Jason and Lucas seemed to catch on and both proceeded to hype her up.

"Holy shit, Addy," Jason said. "I would ask you to go to the movies but they don't allow snacks inside."

Addy rolled her eyes at him. "That's the worst pick up line of all time, J. I hope you don't actually use that on girls you're trying to get with."

"Obviously, Addy," Jason said, his eyes flitting over to me for an instant. "I have more game than that."

"Then why have I heard that you haven't been hooking up with anyone in a while? The cheerleaders were just telling me that none of them have been able to get with you for months. We thought that's what you were doing all summer," Addy said.

This was news I was shocked by. Jason had always been a manslut, getting it on with anyone and everyone. We had all been under the impression that he had spent his summer with various bootycalls and hookups. He had spent the whole summer at home being too "busy" to hang out, but now it didn't make sense.

A very small part of me had to admit that I was a tiny bit relieved by this news. I'd never liked Jason's promiscuity. Whether out of jealousy or not, I didn't know.

"I never said I was hooking up with anyone," Jason shrugged. "I don't know why you came to the conclusion that I was some raging horny fuck machine, but I'm honored."

Addy chuckled and Lucas frowned. "So what were you doing all summer?" Lucas asked.

"I don't know, Luke. I guess I just needed some alone time to like... figure shit out before school started."

Lucas's face remained apprehensive, but I thought that was a very healthy, mature thing to do.

"I think that's great, J," I said, feeling the need to say something. I paused for a moment, and thought about how that might sound to Jason. Did it sound jealous? Like I was glad he wasn't sleeping with girls? I felt the need to explain myself. "That you took time for yourself, I mean. Not that you weren't hooking up with people, because obviously you can do whatever you want. I mean, obviously you can, I just mean... um, sorry I don't know what I'm saying. But that's great. If you think it's great, I think it's great."

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