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The grin on Jason's face was one that would be plastered in my memory forever. Even years later, I would think about that smile, so wide and genuine in its happiness that it made me grin right back.

"Holy shit, yes!" he said. "What did I do to deserve this amazing surprise?"

I shrugged, walking in and he closed the door behind me. "I just felt like seeing you."

"Okay, weirdo. Are we still going to pretend you're not obsessed with me?"

I rolled my eyes at him. "You wish."

"I don't have to wish if it's already true."

I laughed and he led me to the kitchen. "Want anything to eat? I'm starving."

"Are you going to cook for me?" I asked.

"Oh yes, I have this amazing Uber Eats recipe..."

"I don't want to eat out. Make me something."

"Someone's demanding."

"I am a guest and I demand to be treated as such!"

Jason laughed. "Since when have you ever been a guest in this house? You grew up here just as much as I did."

"I'm a guest when it benefits me, like now. Now go make me something."

"You're not even going to help?"

"Nope," I said.

"Get up and help me, you loser."

"I'm good."

"I'm not asking, I'm telling," he said.

"I can't hear you. The line is cutting off."

"Fine," he said, stalking over to where I was standing by the doorway of the kitchen. In one swift movement, he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

"Jason!" I yelped. "Put me down!"

"Nope," he said, carrying me all the way inside and then putting me down gently on the kitchen island.

I gave a dramatic sigh, sitting up on the island. "Fine," I said. "I guess I can help."

"Good. Now what should we make?"

"I want a dessert," I stated.

"I don't want something sweet," he countered. "I kind of want mac and cheese."

"Okay but you're clearly wrong. Dessert is where it's at."

"Mac and cheese or bust, Leils."

"But I really want dessert," I said, giving him my best puppy dog eyes.

He laughed at my failed attempt to convince him. "Nice try, but I'm not Lucas. Your cute shit doesn't work on me."

"Why not?"

"Because you are incredibly ugly," he joked.

Giving him the middle finger, I jumped down from the island and started pulling out standard baking ingredients. Sugar, flour, baking powder, cocao powder, anything I could find.

Before I knew it, a pair of hands reached around me. They started grabbing the ingredients one by one and putting them back on the organized shelves.

I turned around to find my face squeezed into Jason's chest. "Can you give me some personal space?" I asked, the sound muffled against his t-shirt.

"Why? I bet you're loving being pressed against me like this," he said.

"Move, J," I laughed.

"Make me."

"Okay, I will," I said. In one swift motion, I reached up and tickled his torso. Immediately he jerked away from me.

"Tickling is so not fair. You know I'm ticklish as fuck."

"Exactly," I said, approaching him once again. Slowly, he started backing away, but it was no use, I had him cornered.

"Leils, I beg of you, don't do this. I'll do anything."

I kept coming closer. "Are we going to make a dessert?"

"Yes, of course. Dessert. Yes. Who ever said anything other than dessert?"

"Mac and cheese is for losers."

"I wholeheartedly agree!" he said. "Anyone who said mac and cheese is clearly out of his mind."

I nodded. "Precisely."

I was a foot away from him now, and I stared up at him. He stared right back, his look of pure fear a caricature of humor. "Don't mess with me," I said, then moved away to let him pass, giving him his safety again.

"You're just terrifying, Leils. Wow. I was really scared for my life there."

"Tickling is no joke, J."

"And that's why we're making a stupid dessert. What do you even want?"

We argued back and forth about what to make, until we both settled for a classic: shortbread cookies. I compromised by settling for the dedicated sous chef while he insisted he was in charge. I also comprised by letting him bake shirtless, because he claimed it would make him "more one with the dough".

We got to work quickly, having our first batch cooking and in the oven in under thirty minutes. As we stood around waiting, I sneakily helped myself to some of the cookie dough.

I didn't miss that every now and then Jason also helped himself to some cookie dough. Pretty soon, our half-full bowl of dough was almost empty as we both tried and failed to stop eating the delicious dough.

"Jason, you're going to finish all the dough and I wanted to make a second batch. Chill."

"Shut up, Leils. You literally have half the bowl on your face," he responded, coming closer to me. With every step he took towards me, I felt the jokey atmosphere in the kitchen dissipate. The closer he got, the faster my heart started beating.

When he was extremely close, he reached out slowly. I felt his finger touch my face, then softly scoop up some of the cookie dough I'd managed to get all over myself. He didn't break eye contact with me as he brought his finger up to his lips, eating off the chunk of dough.

It was a completely asexual situation, but it was simultaneously the hottest thing I had ever experienced in my sad, man-free life. I stared up at him and he stared back down at me, and I couldn't help but be aware of how all the blood in my body had rushed down to unspeakable areas.

It was weird, it was so weird, because this was Jason. But still, I was undeniably and inexplicably turned on.

"Delicious," he said finally, then turned back and went to check on the cookies in the over. I kept standing in my spot, confused and sexually frustrated at the way he had just made me feel.

That was it, I was too horny for my own good. If my best friend eating cookie dough off my face could get me going like this, I could only picture what a man touching me would do. I would probably spontaneously combust right on the spot and dissolve into a puddle of horniness.

It was only now that I considered a piece of advice Addy had been giving my for the past few months: it really was time to buy a vibrator.

- - -

I'm going to go back to a bit more light-hearted content because I think that's what I loved most about Unholy Matrimony, so here you go!

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