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The only way to describe how I woke up the next morning was overheated.

Jason and I had fallen asleep in our little-spoon-big-spoon position, leaving me smothered by the couch and Jason's body, which exuded more heat than I thought possible from a regular human body.

I groaned and Jason stirred at the sound, turning around and subsequently bumping me in the head with his own.

"Ow!" I yelped.

"What the fu- Oh, Leils. I forgot you were here. I thought you were some girl I brought over who I somehow let actually spend the night."

"First of all, you forgot I was here? How dare you? Second of all, if you invite a girl over and she for some misguided reason sleeps with you, I think you owe her at least the decency of letting her actually sleep here."

"Look, if I let them sleep here they think it's a thing, which it is not. You clearly know nothing about hookup culture."

"It's funny that you genuinely think that any girl that sleeps with you magically wants to date you."

"You should be appreciative that I let you stay over, Leils. This is an honor bestowed upon few."

"Ew, I would never be one of your hookups."

"You could only dream, because I would probably rock your little virgin world."

"You don't even know that I'm a virgin," I said, pushing myself up to get out of my squished position. Upon sitting up, I saw that there was a sizable tent in the sweatpants Jason was wearing. I looked down at it, then up at him.

"Ew!" I screeched, pushing him off of the couch. "Why do you have a boner right now?"

He sat up, laughing. "That reaction just proved that you're a virgin. Also, it's called morning wood. It's not about you, trust me. You're too ugly to get me any type of excited."

"Well, go take a cold shower, you pervert."

"Want to take one with me?" he winked at me, standing up to put his situation right in my face.

"I'm sorry, is there an arm in there? Why is it sticking out so much?"

Jason grinned even more. "You're saying it as an insult, but that really is the biggest compliment a man can recieve, so thank you."

"Dammit, the last thing you need is another ego boost. Now get it out of my face."

He laughed again and started towards the stairs to hopefully go take an ice cold shower. "Mark my words, Leils. One day you'll be begging for me to do the exact opposite of getting it out of your face."

"Ew!" I screeched again and he continued up the stairs, still laughing at me. I huffed until he was finally gone, then got up and went to the guest bedroom that I usually used when Addy, Lucas, and I stayed over.

I got into the shower, letting the warm spray of water flow over me. There was something so relaxing about a shower, it was such an amazing feeling to just be washed over by hot water, cleaning off your body from whatever it had been through the day before. It opened my pores and my brain, allowing me to think clearly for the first time since I had left my house yesterday.

I decided I wasn't angry with my mom for being secretive, instead I was offended and a little hurt. I wasn't a baby they had to protect anymore, and I hated that they acted like I was. Why couldn't her and my dad see that all this was doing was cause a rift between us?

On the other hand, why did I want to know? Other than pure curiousity, what was there to gain? If the way my parents were acting was any indication, then maybe it really was better not to know. I loved my life. It was perfect in every way, and I didn't want it to change. Whatever knowledge I would gain would be sure to change it.

I wish I'd known that my life would change with or without my knowledge. In the end, the role I played in how things ended up was so miniscule that my ignorance would change nothing. I was destined to be an observer, and ultimately, that's all I was.

When I was done my shower, I turned off the warm spray of water and stepped out into the cool air. I loved the sensation of coldness on my warm skin, it made me feel alive as it raised goosebumps up my arms.

For the second time in two days, I felt an unprovoked smile on my face, and I let it stay there. Right now, in this moment, everything was going right for the people I loved. Right now, none of us had any problems that couldn't be fixed, wounds that couldn't be healed, or issues that couldn't be dealt with.

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