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I went back to where I was sitting before, hoping to find Lucas alone so we could get Addy and Jason and leave, but he was nowhere to be found. Neither was Melissa, for that matter.

Instead, I found Jason sitting there, eyes blank and vacant. He looked only half conscious, like he was about to fall asleep at any given moment. There were several hickies on his neck and some smudged lipstick. Sighing at the sight, I went over to him.

"Jason," I said. "What did you take?"


"Drugs. What drugs did you take?"

"Drugs? Nothing, nothing."

"I won't get mad," I said. I was furious. "Just tell me what you took so I can take care of you."

"I took a Xan, maybe two. I don't remember," he said, his voice weak.

"J, let's go home. Come on."

"I can't walk," he said.

"I'm calling a cab, you just have to get downstairs. Come on, J. You can get downstairs."

I had to physically pull him up to get him off the couch, and then basically hold him up as he leaned against me. I texted both Lucas and Addy for help, but got no response from either. It took Jason and I around fifteen minutes to get to the main floor, and then another ten to walk through the driveway. By the time we got there, the cab I had called was annoyed.

"I'm so sorry we're late," I said, then took out a big wad of money to show him I'd reimburse him for his time. I gave him the address and he drove the short two minute drive to my house.

Now that we were here, the hard part would begin. How was I supposed to get us in and up to my room without waking up my parents? We would get in so much trouble if they saw Jason like this, and my parents always waited up for me. Or at least my dad did. I think my mom tried, but she fell asleep every time.

I glanced at my watch. It was just half an hour past midnight, so it wasn't too late. Sighing, I took out my phone and made a call I felt bad about.

"Ella," I sighed in relief when she picked up after a few rings. "I'm so sorry I'm calling so late, but I need your help."

"Leila?" her sweet, tired voice said. "What's wrong?"

"It's Jason," I said. "He took something at a party and he's completely out of it. I'm in front of the house right now, but I don't want mom and dad to see."

There was a short pause on the other end of the phone, then some ruffling. "Okay, stay in front of the house. I'm coming, we can take him to the guesthouse."

I breathed out in relief. "Thanks, Ella."

"Is he conscious?"

"Yeah, he's fine. He's just not... functioning."

"Okay, give me three minutes. I'll be right there."

True to her word, three minutes later Ella walked over from the maid's quarters, still in her slippers and fuzzy robe. The first thing she did when she reached us was check Jason's breathing. When she was satisfied that he really was still alive, she took one of his arms over her shoulders and I carried the other. Together, we dragged him to the guesthouse and plopped him down on the bed.

"Keep him sitting up," Ella ordered. "So he doesn't choke on his puke if he ends up vomiting."

I obliged and pulled him up so his back was resting against the headboard. He groaned as I did, but otherwise gave no other reaction. Once we had gotten situated, Ella and I both stood back and looked at him. The disappointment was clear in her eyes, but so was the worry. We had all grown up with Ella and she was a motherly figure to us all.

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