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We didn't leave a single cookie behind that night. Soft, chewy, and fresh out of the oven, Jason and I couldn't resist as we managed to eat over 12 cookies each on our own. And that didn't even take into consideration the sushi we had ordered in.

I laid on the couch in his living room, hands on my stomach as it prodtruded far from the rest of my body. I knew I had really over eaten because at this moment, my stomach stretched further than my boobs did.

"I regret everything," I moaned, trying to take a full breath but failing.

"Why?" Jason asked, completely fine. "It was good."

"Yeah, but it was a lot. My body is on the verge of exploding."


"I know," I moaned again, then reached down to unbutton my skirt. The tight skirt of my school uniform was not helping my nausea.

"Do you want something more comfortable to wear?" Jason asked, noticing my discomfort.

"Yeah, that'd be great, J."

We headed upstairs and into his room, where he quickly fished out a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt for me. After he handed them to me, I waited for him to leave so I could change, but he just sat on the bed and grinned at me.

"Um, some privacy please?" I said.

"It's the 21st century," Jason said. "Privacy doesn't exist."

"Get out, perv."

"But whyyy?" he whined.

"Obviously you are not allowed to watch me change? Who's obsessed with who now?"

"Okay, I'm totally obsessed with you, I admit it. Now can I stay?"

"No," I laughed. "Now get out."

Giving me a dramatic sigh, he got up and took his time leaving the room as I rolled my eyes at him. When he was by the door, he turned back towards me. "Last chance to make this poor young man's day," he said.

I gave him the finger and laughed, finally leaving and shutting the door behind him. The first thing I did when he was gone was examine his nightstand to make sure there was no bottle of codeine again. Once my search proved unsuccessful, I started getting changed.

As I shrugged off my pants and top and slipped into Jason's comfy clothing, I found myself smiling to myself. Why? I had no idea. But I felt happy, so I let my smile be.

I left Jason's room to find him back in the family room, sprawled out on the couch and flipping through channels on the TV. When he heard me approach, he looked up and wrinkled his nose.

"Ew," he said.

"What's your problem?" I asked.

"My clothes have never looked worse. When I wear them, I clearly look amazing. But you're really not doing them any favors, Leils."

"Aw, your poor clothes. They have to be worn by a complete narcissist all the time."

"You actually look so gross, I don't know if I can stand to look at you. I think there really is only one solution," he said seriously.

"And what solution is that?"

"I just think you would look much better without them on..."

I threw my head back and laughed. "I think so too, but your stupid little boy brain couldn't handle it, sorry!"

"I can handle it, I promise."

I gave him the finger then flung myself onto the small space Jason wasn't taking up on the couch. There was a lot more available seating in the spacious room, but what was the point of sitting on one all alone.

Jason moved his legs for me and I slipped further down the couch. He then proceeded to fling his legs back over me so that they rested in my lap.

"Your feet are in my face," I complained.

"Perfect, I'm just playing up to your foot fetish," he said without looking up from the TV.

"Foot fetishes are the grossest thing in the world," I said, wrinkling my nose. "How is someone attracted to feet?"

"Trust me, Leils. There are worse fetishes out there."

"Like what?"

Jason laughed. "Oh, my sweet, innocent Leila. You don't even want to know."

"You're right," I said. "I don't."

We settled into a comfortable silence as Jason finally picked a channel. The latest episode of Game of Thrones was running.

I had never watched Game of Thrones, so everything that was happening was a complete mystery to me. Jason, however, looked completely entranced by the show. As the episode went on, I found myself watching Jason more that I watched the show.

"Stop staring at me," Jason said after a good ten minutes of me watching him had passed.

"No," I said.

"What are you even looking at, you creep? How hot you think I am?"

"It's funny that you think you're hot. I think you're the one person in the entire universe who feels that way."

"Ouch, you're cold," he said, then scooter forward on the sofa so that he was closer to the edge. He pointed at the space between where he was laying down and the back of the couch. "Get in there."


"You hurt my feelings and now you need to cuddle me."

I let out a burst of laughter. "What?"

"Look, I am strapped for affection. This is the least you can do after hurting my feelings so badly."

"Why do you want to be the little spoon?" I asked. "Shouldn't it be the other way around?"

"Why? Because I'm a dude?"

"I don't know. I guess. That's how I thought it worked."

"Don't worry, Leils. I'm comfortable enough in my masculinity to not have to be the alpha male in every situation."

"You know what?" I said. "I actually love that. You've convinced me."

I got up and jumped over Jason, squeezing myself into the space between his back and the back of the couch. I wrapped my arms around him and tucked my chin into the crook of his neck.

Together we layed as I held him. Looking back, I wish I had savored moments like these more than I did, because the last time I held him would be nothing short of the complete opposite of this moment.

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