Not Even Friends?

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My very first 1D fanfic. Of course it's Larry because they're like everything that's good in this world. It's quite dark (like my soul) so don't like don't read. Hope your gonna enjoy it!
(I don't own any rights except of the storyline. I'm not saying any of this is real either... Or maybe I am. A bit. Just kidding... Or am I? Sorry I'm gonna stop)

Warning: selfharm


“So do all of you live together or what?” the blonde interview girl asked.

“No, no” Liam quickly answered which made them all laugh.

“That wouldn’t end well” Louis agreed.

The five One Direction boys were, as usual, all seated in one couch. Squeezed in between each other to all fit in it. “But you two do live together or am I completely mistaken?” the girl continued and looked between Harry and Louis.

“Yes we do” Louis said and nodded.

Harry looked down at his hands, but before the interviewer could ask about the weird tension that suddenly filled the room, Liam added; “We all live in the same building, except for Zayn” he explained.

Niall laughed and hit Zayn on the shoulder. “He needs to take breaks from us”.

“It´s true” Zayn said with a smirk.

The blond girl giggled before turning back towards Louis. “So you and Eleanor?” she asked with a wiggle in her eyebrows.

Again Harry quickly looked down at his hands, nervously pulling his sleeve. Both Liam and Zayn send him a worried glance before looking at Louis, who smiled warmly at the interviewer. “Yeah, it´s going great” he stated.

“So are you planning on staying with Harry or do we smell a moving soon?” the interviewer asked.

Harry could feel his heart sink at that. It was a question he asked himself every day. Louis just smiled politely. “I couldn’t find it in myself to leave the boys just yet”.

The girl smiled. “I´m sure the fans are very glad to hear that”.

For the rest of the interview, Harry sat and starred into the wall. He couldn’t find the strength to keep listening. All he could feel in his numbness, was the warm feeling of Louis´s body so close to his on the couch. But he couldn’t help to notice, that even though there was limited space, Louis did the best he could to not be too close to Harry. It twisted something deep inside the youngest member of the band. It was a pain he got more and more used to, to be honest. It had been like this for a while. He missed the old times. That time when they were on XFactor. He and Louis had been inseparable back then. But when they got out and had to really start working on their band, the management had pulled them aside to have a little chat with them. They had told them about the “rules” of being in a boyband. Firstly, you had to be gettable for the fans. Not that you had to date them or anything, but they had to have some kind of feeling that they could. That meant having official girlfriends was not the best idea and what were even worse, dating a guy couldn’t happen at all. After that chat something had changed between the two. Harry didn’t know if they actually had been dating, they hadn’t really discussed it, but he knew that his feeling towards Louis was stronger than friendship. He had always thought that Louis had thought the same, but he wasn’t so sure anymore. Louis had begun acting distantly and now he was dating this Eleanor. It was not like Harry didn’t like her. She actually was very sweet, but he missed his Louis more than he could even begin to describe.

“There are lots of fans outside, so keep close” Paul instructed walking the boys towards the exit.

And he had been right. It took some time to get passed them because the boys all stopped to take photos with some of them, give them a hug or an autograph. When they finally sat in the big black car Harry let himself slump down in his seat. He sat at the window next to Liam. Next to him, by the other window sat Niall. He looked like he already was fast asleep. “What´s wrong?” Liam asked silently, looking down at him.

“Just tired” Harry lied.

“You have been tired a lot lately? Maybe you should get checked?” Liam asked.

Harry just nodded, not up to discussing it. “Yeah, sure”.

“Should we get something to eat?” Zayn asked, looking back from the front seat where he was seated next to Louis.

“Did someone say food?” asked a now fully awake Niall.

A silent chuckle filled the car.

Harry sat alone in his and Louis apartment. Louis had asked to be dropped off at Eleanors place after they had eaten. The TV in the living room was on, but Harry didn’t watch it. He had his sleeves rolled up and instead he was looking at the red and pink lines on his wrist and upper arms. He really didn’t know how he had picked up this habit. All he really knew was that it was something he had picked up when he was younger. He had done it when he was around fourteen, because he was so stressed about life and everything, but when he had begun singing in a band in school, he had stopped. He hadn’t felt the need to do it again until now. He had started again a week after the chat with their manager. The day Louis presented them for Eleanor. It wasn’t all because of her, but also because Louis had started to ignore him. The reaction from the fans wasn’t helpful either. They were questioning the change in the relationship of the two bandmates and some of them were even blaming Harry for it. Harry had no idea why, but he suspected that it just was a way for them to get to hate on him. He knew he had lots of haters.

With a sigh, Harry pulled down his sleeves and looked back up at the TV screen.


Poor Harry.
So well, I hope you liked it. Leave a like and a comment if you feel like it. I'm going to update soon.
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