Two Ghosts

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Please read the warnings. It gets serious now... This story is fucked up. Hope you enjoy it anyways.
(Warning: suicidal thoughts)


Harry hadn’t come out of his room for a whole day. Zayn, Liam and Niall had all tried to get him to come out but, he wouldn’t speak with them. He wouldn’t even let them in. He felt so lost. His whole world had fallen apart. He didn’t know what to think. Louis had kissed him and then ran away. Liam had told him that he had slept at Eleanors. Why would he had done that if he really loved Harry as he had said he did? Harry could feel the dark cloud of depression sink deeper into him hour to hour. All the hate, all that had happened with Louis, everything hurt so much that Harry didn’t know if it really was worth it. “Liam, what are you doing here?”

Harry looked up when he heard the familiar voice from the other side of the door. He quickly got up from his bed where he had been laying for multiple hours. He pressed his ear against the door. “I´m waiting for Harry to get out” Liam said, he sounded angry.

“Get out? What do you mean?” Louis asked.

“He hasn’t come out from his room since you left him yesterday. What the fuck happened?” Liam asked.

“That has nothing to do with you” Louis mumbled.

“Oh shut up. Harry is one of my best friends and what ever that has happened between you two it has broken him. Haven’t you noticed how fucking messed up he has been lately?” Liam hissed.

There was silent for a moment. Harry slumped down to the floor, his back against the door. He knew it. They all thought he was a mess. He knew it. “Don’t you think I know? You don’t know how it is. It´s my fault all of this Liam. It´s my fault he´s acting so weird. I fucking hate myself because of it” Louis said with forced calm.

“But why are you doing it then?” Liam asked angrily.

“You don’t get it. It´s not like I want to. I love him Liam, but if anyone ever found out this all could be over. No more One Direction. It would be the end of all of this!” Louis yelled.

“Keep your voice down. His right in there” Liam hissed.

Harry sighed and looked down at his hands. “What you are doing now is ruining One Direction just as much as anything else, so quit what ever you think you´re doing and stop being an asshole” Liam said.

Harry could hear someone stamp away and then the front door smacked loudly. The apartment was completely silent for a moment, before the silent sound of Louis´s door closing reached Harrys ears. He silently sniffled and pulled his legs up under his chin. Did he really dare to believe it? Did Louis really still love him? If that was true, then he had caused just as much pain as he was in himself. Louis had pretended to not love him just try to make Harry happy. Harry felt so guilty now. Everyone would be so much better off without him. He didn’t really think about it. He hadn’t slept for days, he had barely eaten and he was so sad and broken. He picked up his phone and went to Twitter. The tweet “do us all a favor and get lost” was the first to pop up. He didn’t see the one just beneath telling how much they loved him. He just typed in “Two ghosts standing in the place of you and me. We´re not who we used to be and we never will. Don´t worry”.

He didn’t even read it through before he posted it. He had no idea where it came from, he had just typed it. He threw the phone on his bed and unlocked his door. He didn’t think about Louis who sat in the room just next to him, he just walked, like in sleep, to the kitchen where he found the biggest kitchen knife. He didn’t think, he just placed the cold metal on the thin skin on his throat and closed his eyes.


Thanks for reading.
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