That Serious

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So I'm back. I hoped you enjoyed the first chapter.
Warning: selfharm and depression and Larry obviously.


Harry woke up by a loud banging on his bedroom door. He groaned and pulled his pillow up over his head. He just wanted to go back to sleep. Who was it that felt the need to wake him? That mystery quickly got solved. “Harry!” Zayns voice sounded from the other side of his bedroom door.

“You know, that spare key was for emergency’s” Harry yelled.

The door opened and Zayn poked his head in with a smirk plastered on his face. “We had run out of cereal” he explained.

The door fully opened and Liam came in. “You´re not up yet?” he asked with big eyes.

“Nooo” harry groaned and pulled the duvet up over his head.

With a quick motion Zayn pulled it to the floor, so Harry was left in his sleeping sweater and boxers. “Get lost will you?” he groaned and sat up, defeated.

“Paul will come to pick us up in ten minutes” Liam said with a tired voice and began throwing clothes at him.

“Oi! I can get dressed by myself” Harry sulked.

“But I don’t remember any plans today. Why are Paul picking us up?” he asked pulling on a pair of jeans.

“The photoshoot remember?” Zayn said with raised eyebrows.

“Paul told us about it in the car yesterday” Liam added and looked worriedly at him.

“Must have missed that” Harry mumbled.

“yeah well, get changed. We´re all waiting” Liam said and the two boys left him alone.

Harry quickly finished up and entered the living room, where Niall was sitting with a big bowl of cereal and talked to Zayn and Liam on the couch, meanwhile Louis stood by the window and talked on the phone. “I´m sure it´s going to be great” he said.

Harry pulled down at his sleeves and looked at him. His hair was ruffled and he looked tired. Hadn’t he slept? If he hadn’t what had he been doing. Harry didn’t want to think about it. It made his skin crawl and the nagging in his stomach felt like stabbing. “That’s a deal then. Love you” Louis hang up and smiled over at the guys.

“Haven’t you just been with her?” Zayn asked.

“Yeah. We were at her parents for the first time” Louis said and threw himself down on the couch.

He didn’t even cast a glance in Harrys direction. Niall almost got his cereal, or rather me and Louis´s cereal, stuck in his throat. “Wow, you´re that serious?” Liam asked.

“Yes of course” Louis said and sat down on the sofa table.

“Exiting” Liam said, but Harry didn’t miss the side glance both he and Zayn shot him.

“I´m done in a second” Harry quickly mumbled, before half running to the bathroom, where he quickly locked the door, before falling to the floor.

Why did it have to hurt so bad? He felt like crying and screaming but at the same time he felt so empty. Why did Louis had to be like this? Where was the sweet, funny and caring person who had played with his curls and hugged him at every chance he got? Without even thinking Harry pulled up his sleeve and with shaky hands he found the razor blade in the black box under the sink. With one quick motion he pressed it against the soft skin on his arm and drew a line. The line first got paper white, but then slowly it turned red and then small drops of blood trickled out. He cut again and again and again, until four red lines stood sharply out on his pale skin. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He felt better now. This pain was a lot easier to deal with than the one stabbing in his heart. “Harry? We have to go now?” Liams voice sounded outside the door.

“Be right there” Harry quickly answered.

His voice sounded broken and small, but he wasn’t sure Liam had caught it. With shaky hands he took some paper and dried the blood away before slowly standing up. He took a glance at himself in the mirror to make sure he looked all right before opening the door. He made sure his sleeves were pulled all the way down before going into the living room where all the guys, plus Paul sat and waited for him. The material of the sweater hurt against the new cuts, but the pain helped him. It was better this way.


I hope it was alright. I promise you will get more Larry later. The whole fanfic is already written, so I just need to post it. Thanks for reading!
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