Two kinds og Fight

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So there's going to be some small flashbacks now and then, so enjoy the Larry fluff. There's also going to be some from the storyline.




“This is amazing!” Louis Tomlinson yelled in a made up voice and jumped up and down like a monkey.

The others boys laughed and threw their bags on the floor. They had just arrived in the room they would be staying while they were competing in the X Factor. “Let´s go be adventurous” Louis continued and began marching around checking out the room.

“We´re never going to be able to sleep with this guy around” Liam whispered with a smirk.

Harry chuckled and looked at the oldest of the new group. Louis Tomlinson was in Harrys eyes perfect. He was handsome with a sharp jawline, blue eyes and a lean body, and then he was also sweet, talented and so very funny.

Harry couldn’t believe that he was here. He was on the X Factor with these amazing guys. He was a bit nervous though. He was the youngest, Niall wasn’t much older, but he still felt a bit scared. What if the other guys saw him as a kid who didn’t belong here? He had to make sure he could keep up. “This is my kingdom!” Louis yelled and threw himself down on one of the small beds.

“But that’s the best one” Zayn complained.

“You gonna be faster then” Louis said and smiled proudly.

The other four looked at each other before all at once running over to pull Louis down from the bed. “Not fair!” Louis screamed from the floor.

The other boys were laughing so hard that they almost were joining him down there.


The photoshoot went alright. They just had to stand in front of a dark blue screen and look at the camera. Harry was told to stand in the middle with Louis and Zayn on his sides. But as the camera man turned his back to them, Louis quietly shifted place with Niall, so he stood out in the side instead. The familiar pain shot through Harrys chest, but the tried not to shove it.

“Can you guys lift him up?” the camera man asked and pointed at Harry.

“I want his feet” Niall screamed and pushed Louis away from where he stood.

Niall ended with Harrys feet, Zayn and Liam had his body and Louis his head. “Great! Perfect! I just going to adjust the lighting” the camera man said pleased.

“You´re a great weight mate” Liam said and pretended to do squats with him.

“Yeah, who needs a gym?” Zayn laughed.

Harry tried to laugh too, but he suddenly got very aware that Louis stood and played with his curls. He wasn’t sure, but he could feel something in his hair which felt like fingers. Why would he do that? Harry had so many question in his head. He desperately wanted to turn his head and check, but he didn’t dare. The feeling was way too nice. “Okay, Harry can you wink to the camera?” the camera man asked and lifted the camera.

“See you later guys!” Niall yelled before closing the door to his apartment.

Louis found their keys in his pocket and without a word, opened the door and entered. Harry quietly followed and slowly closed the door behind him. Louis went straight to the kitchen. Harry sighed and threw off his jacket before letting himself slump down on the couch. He pulled over a blanket, which he curled around him. He remembered a time when this used to be Louis´s arms around him. He sighed and closed his eyes. He missed it so much. He missed talking to him, laying with him and most of all; cuddling with him. He opened his eyes and saw Louis walk out from the kitchen with an apple in his hand. “Louis?” he quickly called.

Louis sighed and turned towards him. The irritated expression on his face made Harrys wrists scratchy. “Do you want to watch something?” he asked hopefully and looked at the television.

Something he couldn’t quite describe washed over Louis´s eyes before they got back to the cold blue they had been lately. Had it been sadness? It couldn’t have been? “Okay” he said and sat down as far as he could on the sofa.

Harry sank a lump before speaking again. “What do you wanna see?”

“Doesn’t matter”.

Harry nodded and turned on the TV. He changed channels until an episode of Friends came on. He put the remote down and tried to focus on the show. But it turned out that was harder than it sounded. He couldn’t help but to glance ever so often over at the perfect guy who sat so close and yet so far away. “It was a cool photoshoot today” he awkwardly mumbled when Louis suddenly turned his head and their eyes met.

Louis coughed and looked back at the screen. “It was alright yeah”.

Harry also looked back at the TV.  “Do you know if we have any plans for tomorrow?” he tried again.

“I don’t think so, but I tend to forget to listen when people talk, so I don’t really know” Louis answered.

Harry smiled at that comment. It was very much true. He took a deep breath before opening his mouth again. “Do you sleep here today or are you going to Eleanors?”

Louis sighed irritated. “Why are you trying to bring up a conversation?” he asked.

Harry furrowed his eyebrows and quickly looked own at his hands. “I was just asking” he mumbled.

Louis send him a glance before standing up. “I think I´m gonna go there now” he said without looking at the younger.

Harry could feel his eyes start to burn. He couldn’t live with this anymore. “What is wrong with you? Do you hate me?” he asked angrily, also standing up.

Louis looked at him with a stern look in his eyes. “Of course not” he said, but it didn’t sound very convincing.

“Then why are you like this? You act like you don’t like me at all” Harry yelled, the first tears starting to escape and roll down his cheeks.

He angrily wiped them away. Louis turned and walked out in the hallway. Harry quickly followed. Maybe I don’t” the silent answer sounded.

First Harry thought he had misheard. Louis was bent down, putting his shoes on, but when he stood back up, Harry knew that those words actually had come out of his mouth. “You don’t like me?” Harry whispered, his whole body frozen.

“I´m sorry” Louis said looking the other boy in the eyes.

“I don’t get it. Is this because of the talk with the management? We have never been dating Louis. We can still be friends” Harry desperately tried.

Louis shook his head slowly. “It has nothing to do with that. I´m sorry Harry”.

He turned and walked out the door. Harry couldn’t move for several seconds. He stood frozen in the hallway. His tears dry on his cheeks. He felt numb. So awfully numb. He couldn’t take it. Everything hurt, but he couldn’t do anything. He wanted to cry and scream, but nothing came out. He could hear the laughs from the TV. Laughing. He couldn’t remember the feeling. Everything felt so distant. Finally he tore himself out of his daze and walked as a sleepwalker towards the bathroom. He closed the door and locked it. He didn’t really know why. It was safe to say that Louis wouldn’t be coming home any time soon. He felt down on his knees and found his razor. The blade, the blade which in that second felt like an angel, a lifesaver. He tore up his sleeves and slowly let the blade sink into his skin. He didn’t even look down at it. He just looked into the wall. Letting the blade slide his skin, again and again. He could distantly feel the warm feeling of blood trickling down his arm until the dizziness took over him and he passed out.


Thanks for reading.
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