(14) I'm utterly and completely doomed

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Song by five seconds of summer. It's called, 'she's so hot'. I though it went well for this chapter! What do you think?


About a half an hour later we had arrived our destination. We had all gone our separate ways. My brother going through store to store searching for a job; Carter eating away at the food court. I swear, that boy is half pig. I mentally roll my eyes at him, even though he doesn't know I'm watching him from a far, like some creepy, stalker person. Oh, well. I couldn't help but notice a beautiful blonde girl, around our age  eyeing  him hungrily, while he ate his sandwich. I'm pretty sure she wanted to be the sandwich he was eating. She was at the food court as well, but she was just reading a book. No doubt a cheasy romance novel. She seems like the type. Just saying. Her eyes kept flickering over to Carter, and Carter kept gulping down his sandwich, oblivious to her motives.

Before I knew it, my feet were taking me to where Carter was. He noticed me and smiled. "Hey." He waved for me to come over to where he was.

"There is a girl." I told him through gritted teeth.

Carter furrowed his eyebrows together, trying to make sense of what I was saying. He put his sandwich down. "A girl?" He questioned.

I nodded vigoriously, eyes blazing. "Yes, a girl." I harshly answered him back. "She is three tabes down from us, starring at you like she wants to jump on you. She's the blonde girl reading a, no doubt, cheasy romance novel." I said, in a 'I know it all', voice. I technically don't have any right for putting down someone who reads ramances because I read them myself, but it makes me feel good. So, hah!

He smirks, amusement in his eyes. "Are you," He dramatically gasps. "Dare I say it." Dramatic pause. Que drum roll. "Jealous?" I roll my eyes at his ridiculousness.

"Duh." I don't bother denying it. I am. He looks surprised, like he didn't expect me to admit it so quickly. I roll my eyes yet again. "Of course I'm jealous!" I tell him. "Look at her!" I demand. He turns around and she shyly waves at him. He waves back. Ugg. Boys.

He turns back to look at me. "Your ridiculous." This time, he rolls his eyes. I glare at him. Me? Ridiculous? As if!

"Fine." I say. "Just get it over with. Jump her bones." I tell him, shooing him off, expectantly. "But when she can't satisfy all your needs because she performs like a granny bitch on crack, don't come cawling back to me!" I put my hands up in the air, in surrender.

He laughs. Jerk! He looks back at her. Is he seriously going to do it? That was a test. I didn't actually want them to get it on. Ew! "Hey." He calls over to her, across the room. Why doesn't he just get up? Does he really want to humiliate me that bad? Ugg! He is so aggravating. I swear! "What's your name?" He asks. She looks at him sheepishly. She looks at the people in the crowd. There's just five people eating. Most of them get up and leave, clearly annoyed. I can't say I blame them. Infact, I think I'll do the same. I don't have to stay here, while he, declares he wants her.

I get up to leave, but he grabs my arm to hold me. "Trust me." He looks into my eyes, as he whispers those words. I melt under his touch. I comply, sitting back down. I don't say a word. He nods at me and then looks back at her.

"Vicki!" She tells him. I roll my eyes for the nineteenth hundred time today. I just can't help myself. What kind of name is Vicki? That is so unoriginal. I mean, please!

And Lila is? My conscious asks.

Better than Vicki! I bite back.

Says the pathetic girl talking to herself.

Leave me alone! I exclaim.

I see someone is on there period. My conscious replies.

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