(24) Endless Love and Forgiveness

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"Lila?" Carter's mom looked at me, surprised expressions on there face. Well, of course they'd be shocked to know end. I would be too. I didn't visit him four one month and four days after all. Why would I come now. What is so special about today out of all days? I don't know. All I know is that I love Carter.

    "Carter's been waiting." Jean said, with a warm smile. She didn't seem angry. I guess that was a good sign.

    "Do you think he's going to be mad at me?" I asked, worried, hugging myself to ease the pain.

    "Honestly, he'll be happy to see you. All he can think of is you. He can only ever talk about you. I;m sure you have a good reason for not coming after all this time. And don't worry, he's recovering and he will be okay. What got him through, is you. He would always think of you. He did exactly what the doctors said because he loves you and wants to always be there for you. Go see him. He needs you. GO!" She shooed me, after her endless rant, pushing me to the other side of the curtain. Carter was sleeping peacefully, I almost didn't want to wake him up. He was hooked up to the iv and he looked really good. He honestly looked like he was going to be okay. He was going to be okay. Of course he was because my Carter was always the fighter.  I let him sleep.

After an hour of sleep, he finally started to wake up. I just stared at him and how beautiful he was. I stared at his chest and the pattern it had. It went up and down and up and down. Rhythmically, never stopping. Always going. He was so beautiful. How on earth did I get so lucky? "I knew you'd come." Carter murmured, looking at me with sleepy eyes.

    "Of course I would." I breathed out. "I would do anything for you. I'm sorry I didn't come sooner." I took a hold of his hand. "You got to believe me I wanted to and I tried to. But I was afraid - afraid if I came it would all be to real like a nightmare come true." I explained.

    "I know you love me. I wouldn't doubt that for a second and I'm not mad or hurt or disappointed. I'm just glad you came. I knew you would. I never lost faith in that. I love you. I love you today, tomorrow, forever. You're mine and I'm yours. Forever and always know matter what and nobody can come between that bond we have." Carter said, looking at me, pronouncing each word and I knew he meant it.He said it with such intensity in his eyes and such powerful emotion seeping through his words. I leaned into him and just soaked in his sweet smell. We looked at each other milking in each feature we had. Knowing life was too short not to. Then I kissed him. Tenderly kissed him. I kissed him with strength and force and passion, but most importantly with love. And he kissed back, with every and any emotion that I felt. It was the best kiss I had ever had.

    We broke apart and suddenly he asked me, "Marry me?"

    "What?" I asked, off guard.

    "Marry me." He repeated. "Life's too short and I know I want to spend every second of my life with you. I love you. I know I don't have a ring yet, but I'll get one. I will. I just want to spend the rest of my life having you. So, marry me." He explained. And I never felt more in love with Carter than I do at this moment.

    So, I said yes. I mean you had to know that I would. I don't care that we are young. He's mine and I'm his. That's all I know. That's all I have to know.

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