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Me, Carter, Jean and Amanda all had talked over lunch. I got to know them and they were truly something. They were still awesome in my opinion.

They both told stories about how they came to be as a couple. Jean's Parents were always excepting of her sexuality. They loved her unconditionally. They even bought her And Amanda some furniture for their house.

Amanda's parents were less excepting and said that they wished that she could've been more normal and less open about being a lesbian. But Amanda's parents soon came to except that she was a lesbian and that if they wanted to stay close with there daughter, then that was going to have to be a sacrifice that they were willing to make. So that was good.

They even opened up to me about Carter and what obstacles they had to go through in order to make him their son. He was in an orphanage and the owners were absolute douches. They didn't think lesbians were fit to take care of a little boy. But they finally came to terms with it, as the couple proved there worthiness to the people put in charge of the orphanage.

Carter's moms nor Carter himself didn't know to much about Carter's original 'parents' (in theory) other than they were irresponsible teens who just had a hookup and the precautions that they both used failed them that fateful night. So they just took him to an orphanage. Carter doesn't really care about it, as much as he used to because he realized that he has two people that love him very much without condition and that's all anybody can really ask for, too be loved.

But throughout the lunch discussion it was hard to understand what Jean and Amanda were saying to me. I'm honestly surprised that I got what I did because Carter kept doing sexual things to me, turning me on in every way possible. Which by the way, both Jean and Amanda failed to notice somehow. Probably because they were both so engrossed in what they were saying that they didn't pay attention to what Carter was doing. He was being kind of discreet about it to, so that was good I suppose. I have to admit I a part of me was enjoying it and just wanted to ignore the two moms and let Carter have his way with me.

But I had to have self control as much as I didn't want too, I had too.

Carter would rub my thigh or in the corner of my eye he would always shoot me seductive looks, which I pretended not to notice but I knew that he knew that I noticed. I noticed very much. His fingers would even graze my private part slightly and I had to hold in my gasp and slight widening of the eyes, for his parents were both sitting right across from where me and Carter were sitting and also very much blind on what was going on. If that was even possible. It sure seemed possible, since it was happening right here and right now.

Finally lunch was over and both his parents said that they were going out with a somewhat knowing look on there faces. They looked all giddy. Before they both left they said to Carter "use protection!" And then both hugged me and Carter. Carter reminded them that we didn't have sex and weren't planning to, but they just waved it off.

Parents. You can't live with them, and yet you certainly can't live without them. I thought to myself.

They kissed Carter on the cheek and Carter never really said anything in all of this. He just starred at me with longing and desire, needless to say I knew what was going to happen when both of his parents were gone out to do whatever they were gonna do.

They finally grabbed there coats, opened the front door and left. The engine roared signaling that they both had finally left.

Silence filled up the room. "So-" I attempted to speak, trying to make the best out of what had felt like an awkward scenario for some reason.

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