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In this world that we live in, everyone makes decisions.

Some we will regret until our last breath.

Some we cherish with all our hearts.

Some . . . we grow to hate.

Regardless of the choices we make, we live on in the aftermath. We move on, even if that decision made the world feel as if it was going to end. The world, unfortunately, wasn't going to stop because of a single bad choice.

There are decisions we make now, assuming that they are the right one, only to discover the decision was anything but good. These decisions are the ones that will exist with us forever, because, for a single moment, the decision became, or was a good one. Sometimes I wonder if the person making the decision knew it would end badly if they'd change it.

I can't think back and pick out a single bad decision, because we are only alive. We aren't alive to do the right things, make the best decisions. Life is a game of chance, whether we do good or bad, is up to each decision we make. Although we can't change the bad decisions after we make them, they are useful lessons for the future.

What if someone manages to stumble upon the worst of the worst decisions, getting the most unfavorable outcome imaginable? Those are the worst decisions possible because they haunt us with the what if's. We become consciously aware that the decision we are making as bad.

Then we ponder what if we never questioned the decision in the first place? Is it not a more peaceful reality? To remain oblivious to the good and bad of the choices we make.

I can't lie and say I haven't second-guessed the choices I've made, but I've grown to live with everything I have done. Even the one that started this all.

Vengeance. A punishment inflicted or retribution exacted for an injury or wrong. To most is known as revenge. You may be wondering why a mere teen would be contemplating vengeance. You see, when you are a teenager, forced to follow the laws of high school faced with hate from my peers, regarded as a weak link, it wasn't surprising that I'd have some form of vengeance dancing around inside my head. I wasn't actually weak, but to everyone else, I was average, if not below.

High school will always be hard to deal with by itself without the additional stuff that can happen. The pressure of adulthood looming over with college, money, friends, relationships, and social media following behind it, it was no wonder teens get easily overwhelmed. Sure, some of the issues can be avoided or ignored; most people would just rather add more water to the sinking boat than scoop it out.

The most important question you could ponder at this point is, why does any of this matter. What does this small, insignificant conversation matter? Well, to some, it doesn't matter in the slightest. It's important because everyone has been in a situation like I've described at least once, knowingly or otherwise.

Instead of feeling the acknowledging which decision was bad, a lot of people choose to simply feel one thing in its place.


Now, why am I telling you this?

Do you remember how I said people make regretful decisions?

Someone is right now. 

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