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Time P.O.V

The pretty eyed werewolf who caught my fall didn't let go of me after catching me. Instead, he seemed to hold on tighter, pulling me closer. After reeling back from the shock of almost falling, this only confused me more. Why wasn't he letting me go? I was reminded that my nose was steadily bleeding, and after tracking the werewolf's now diverted eyes, I knew his eyes were focusing on the trail of blood falling from my nose.

The anger that was building up in the werewolf's eyes were scaring me, making me feel the urge to retreat.

The motion of me trying to move backward seemed to snap the werewolf out of his anger-filled daze, his grip continuing to tighten. His hands tightening on my arms drew me back to the reason I had been running away, more like who I had been running away from.

The doors behind us opened and out stepped the person I had been running from. Marcus. The moment the wolf locked eyes on Marcus, his eyes widened drastically yet again. His wide, shocked eyes darted between Marcus and me before an enormous smile spread across his face. Honestly, his smile was kind of scary, and it didn't help that he still had such a tight grip on my arms.

I attempted to yank my arms away once more, and thankfully I was able to get out of his tight hold, seemingly shocking both Marcus and the werewolf. Neither one of them reacted fast enough, and I took advantage of the moment to get away from both of them. I ran as fast as I could to get as far away as possible.

At first, I wasn't sure if they were going to follow m or not, but very quickly, the eyes I had felt watching me disappeared, and I knew that they weren't going to chase after me. Once I felt safe enough to turn around and check, I was happy to confirm that they weren't actually chasing me down.

The scenario was one that I never imagined would take place. You don't just run away from a magic wielder to run into a werewolf that seemed keen on trapping me in place.

I sighed as I leaned down for a couple of seconds to catch my breath. I didn't think that I would come to school today to run a freaking marathon. I seriously need to start exercising more if I can't run to save my life. If today was a sign of anything, I might be running away from supernaturals more often than one would want to plan for.

I straightened my back, making my way home, I ignored the small urge to turn back and figure out what exactly had been going on. I know werewolves go to school, but he does not. I felt as though I had seen him before, but off the top of my head, nothing is coming to mind as to where.

It was nice being alone after running away from and into people. I preferred dealing with my own thoughts over those of other people. My own thoughts don't cause nausea or migraines. Those headaches and pains were enough to make me wish my ability didn't exist.

When I finished walking to the place I lived, a long sigh escaped me. I could only hope no one was home; otherwise, I'd be questioned as to why I was home and not at school. The bloody nose would be an assistance, and so would mentioning the nurse wasn't there or too busy to assist me, but I hated lying. Avoiding the confrontation seemed like the best option.

Even from outside, I could hear that at least two people were home—one of my guardians and a sibling of mine. The noise was bearable, but if my entire family were home, you'd hear them all the way down the street.

With a quick sigh, I walked around the house and towards the back door, hoping that I would be able to sneak in without getting seen. The further away from the front door, I got, the less I was able to hear my family.

Getting adopted into a small family and watching it blossom into a huge one was not something a young me had expected. I was the second oldest, which put a lot of watching responsibility on me. The youngest is currently three, and it doesn't help that Janet, my foster mother, was pregnant again. I've gotten used to being sat down with all my siblings only to be told one of us was going to have to share a room. She hasn't told us yet, but I know. I knew before she did, it was as if I could sense it. It was one of those weird quirks that seemed to pop out every so often to spice things up. I remember when my foster mother got pregnant with Trevor, that before she told anyone yet, I laid my head on her stomach whenever the whole family would watch television. She remembers that because I only did it when she pregnant.

Cracking the back door open, I could immediately hear the sound of the television blaring some stupid child television show and blocks being knocked over. The shows my siblings watched now were absolutely stupid, shows have gone down in quality since my youth.

I manage to sneak past my little sister, ignoring her uneducated thoughts. She doesn't really think in full sentences, and even then, the things she does think about are stupid.

Once I was upstairs, I entered the room I slept in and shared with my older siblings. I crashed onto my bed, glad to be home sooner than usual. I was lucky that I didn't bump into Janet, who tended to occasionally work at home or take random days off. Her job was pretty flexible, so it wasn't a big deal. Most of her job was on the computer anyway.

I could only stare at the ceiling and think about everything that has happened today. My life was going to get pretty chaotic if people like Marcus and werewolves began to make random appearances in my life.

Why do I feel like things are only beginning?

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