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Marcus P.O.V

My back rammed against the counter, a quick gasp of air escaping me as I attempted to hold myself up. The pressure from Time's power, whatever it may be, was strong enough to force me to the floor, as well as push everything around him, including us, away. A small, faint gasp of bewilderment left my father's mouth as he too was forced away from the table he had been using as a temporary examination table. The pure white flow of my father's hand faded away quickly, reabsorbing as energy back into his body.

The pressure suddenly stopped, and everything around me stilled for a single moment before the rest of the world seemed to catch up with what happened. An immediate wail came from the floor where Tiny was now withering in pain, holding his left ankle, crying out loudly. At that moment, he heavily resembled a child throwing a tantrum.

I was baffled at how much his ankle seemed to worsen during the last minute. Before his ankle looked bad, but it seemed like my father's magic made it worse. It didn't seem possible for the wound to intensify in mere seconds, but Time's ankle didn't seem to follow any form of logic. Then again, neither does anything in my life, so why would Tiny's ankle?

Grayson jumped off the ground where he had been knocked back and rushed to Time's side. He gently pulled Tiny off the ground and onto his lap, holding his head protectively to his chest, rocking them both back and forth slightly. He was careful around Time's ankle, avoiding in touching the heavily bruised and inflamed looking wound. Time's crying didn't calm though, even in the arms of his mate, he continued to wail and cry.

"Well," My father said over the crying, looking down at Time and Grayson, as I had only managed to climb back to my feet. "That was definitely not what I was expecting when you said it didn't work," I cast my father an intense glare, mad that he didn't give Time any form of a warning that he was about to use magic on him.

I wouldn't be surprised if Time wasn't scarred for the rest of his life, fearful of magic. I didn't want that for him, though. I wanted him to see the beauty of magic, and I wasn't off to a very good start.

"You think?!" I snapped verbally, moving to sit beside my fated's, hoping being near me would comfort Time, which probably doesn't make any sense because Time considers me as someone who chased him into the woods and the whole reason he's in this mess. Whether or not Time knew it, I was one of his fated; his body should in someway feel comfort being near me.

"Well, fourth time a charm?" Jordan suggested rudely, all of us, except for Time, who was crying to hard to hear her, turned to look at her in shock. Anger filled me as I realized she wanted my mate to be in pain. I understand that she doesn't like him, that he revealed that she had cheated to the entire school, but by the end of the day, she had been the one in the wrong. If she didn't cheat, then Time wouldn't have had anything to spread. Although the comment pissed me off, it seemed to infuriate Grayson even more. From what I knew, Grayson and Jordan were best friends, so it probably hurt to hear your best friend wish one of your mate's pain.

"Watch your mouth, Jordan," Grayson snapped at her, not even looking up at her while doing so, more focused on his in-pain mate. Grayson brushed Time's hair back, attempting to wipe the tears away, although it was ultimately no good as Time would cry a fresh batch almost immediately after Grayson's hand brushed the previous set of tears away.

"Why should I? He doesn't know how to watch his!!" Jordan snapped back, and something seemed to snap inside Grayson, who slowly looked away from Time's face and turned his attention directly onto Jordan. He didn't get the chance to say anything as my father rudely butted into the argument. Apart of me was glad that he did, as much as I dislike Jordan at the moment, she was still Grayson's best friend, and I would hate for their friendship to be broken up.

"That's enough," My father said in a calm tone, which halted any words Jordan or Grayson was going to say. Even Time quieted down his crying, his eyes focusing on my father, sending him intense, untrusting glares. I knew my father was not one of Time's favorite people right now by any means, and it would probably be a long time before my tiny fated formed any trust with his future-father-in-law, but that would be something for my father to fix. That's if he wants to have a relationship with his son-in-law's at all. "You two should talk this over later, right now is not the time to start feuds," My father tried to reason, but it seemed to only anger Jordan more.

"No! There is no right time!" Jordan snapped at my dad, her glare transferring to Grayson. There were clearly things that Jordan wanted to say, but for a couple of seconds, she seemed to struggle to get the words together. When she did get the words, her glare intensified. "Ever since you turned sixteen, you've been distant; if you had been paying attention to me, then you would have known that I was struggling with my mate, that the entire school was turning against me, that something was wrong!" Jordan shouted at Grayson, who simply stared back at her, emotionless. Jordan huffed, getting worked up with how loudly she had been screaming the words.

"Is it my responsibility to look after you? To worry only about you? Until recently, you've been the only good thing in my life, the only thing in my life at all, so excuse me for wanting to live my own," Grayson snapped back, carefully handing Time to me, who didn't seem to mind the change, paying attention to the argument while quietly crying. Jordan looked more than surprised by this comeback than anything.

Grayson got closer to Jordan, glaring at her, and this only seemed to fuel her anger more. The shock disappearing in a flash.

"You could have asked about how I was instead of ignoring me altogether!" Jordan screamed back at Grayson, her eyes flashing a dark golden tone. "You've been a horrible friend these past few weeks!!" Jordan was on the brink of angry crying.

"You haven't been much of a friend at all!! Keeping secrets and lying?! You want me to be the person to ask all the questions and be there for you, so where have you been?! You've never been there for me!!!" Grayson snarled back at her, his eyes changing color as well. They both looked ready to attack each other, their fingernails slowly extending, growing longer and sharper.

"That's enough!" My father yelled at them both, their golden eyes snapping towards us. Grayson's immediately changed back, a sad expression taking the place of the anger.

"I agree," A woman's voice filled the air, the very quiet tapping of high-heel shoes filled the air. Time's head leaned forward, looking over my shoulder, but I didn't need to look back to recognize the voice. "Petty argument's are so boring,"

I mean, who wouldn't recognize the voice of their mother?

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