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Grayson P.O.V

I had been angsty all morning, wondering if I was going to get to see Tiny today, or if Marcus wouldn't be able to track him down. I skipped school, knowing I wouldn't have been able to focus on classes knowing I'd potentially get the chance to meet my other mate. I stayed bored up in my bedroom, counting the seconds. I spent every minute just waiting for when it would be time to run towards my mate with wide-open arms.

The longer the day seemed to drag on, the more I wanted to run towards the school and drag my mates from the building; big bad wolf esque. I didn't want to scare Tiny, though, because humans weren't aware of the supernatural world. He didn't smell like a supernatural creature, a majority of which have very distinctive, unique smelling scents, except for warlocks like Marcus, who smelled like humans majority of the time. Based on the fact that Tiny didn't seem to show that he knew we were mates, just made him being a human make more sense.

My eyes rolled over to the clock on my side table for the third time since the hour rolled over. I couldn't stare at the clock; time seemed to slow down if you just watch the time slowly tick by. Time seemed to work that way. Eventually, I just got too impatient to sit around any longer.

I knew I wouldn't be late, with how much I was paying attention to the clock, me being late was virtually impossible.

My technique of leaving the house was questionable, though. I couldn't just leave the house through the front door since the she-wolves downstairs would know if I left. If they saw me, they'd report my lack of school attendance to my uncle, and that was the last thing I needed to have happen.

I know my pack wouldn't care if they knew that I was leaving to go connect with my mates, but my uncle wasn't included in that approval. Having mates would make it easier for me to claim the alpha position from underneath my uncle's nose. Having my mates, whether they decided to go by alpha or luna, would make me more credible for the alpha position. My uncle no longer had a luna to rule beside him. My uncle's wife had passed away shortly after my parents. As big as the impacts of each death was, the lady had been just as retched as my uncle. She always disliked me, wanting the luna position as much as my uncle wanted the alpha position. For the short time, she was luna; she made us treat her like royalty.

Instead of leaving the house through the door, I jumped straight out of my window. I had transformed into my wolf during the leap, the moment I reached the ground, I was completely transformed into a wolf. I truly need to let my wolf side out more often, it's just with the lack of time transforming seemed to get shoved under the rug time and time again. If nothing else, shifting made me feel free.

I fell in love with the feeling that came with running in the wind, the feeling of it flowing between my fur, the feeling of my paws crashing against the ground, propelling me forward, going faster than my human legs could have ever taken me.

While running as fast as I could, I paid little attention to what was happening around me. While running, it all blurred together, the little details mixing into nothing notable.

So when I saw Marcus sitting against a tree in the middle of the forest, I had thought I was losing my mind. I instantly halted, my paws scrapping the ground slightly. I turned back around, my tail wagging as I got closer to Marcus. I was more excited than concerned to find my mate in the middle of the woods. I got as close as I could to him, hoping to be given a chance to rub my scent onto his revealed skin. I had managed to do it a little yesterday, but he must have taken a shower since then because my scent was weaker than before. I wanted my scent to be all over him, so others would know that this precious boy was claimed since I knew my mates were in no way ready to bare the actual mark.

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