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Marcus P.O.V

The warmth that had slowly filled my body faded away slowly as the boy ran in the opposite direction, leaving the office as quickly as he could. Any other time, I would have continued what I had been doing, not affected by someone interrupting me, I would have been gone before anyone could return anyway. But this was different. This was my fated.

I never thought that I'd meet my fated in this school, let alone did I think my mate would be a human who would run away when we first have an encounter. Why did my first encounter with my mate have to now? The one time I look like a crazy person standing over our unconscious school nurse. Of course, my first meeting with my fated would be in a weird way. I'll be lucky if he wants anything to do with me.

Next time, I'll remember to lock the door. Then again, a locked door would have been a red flag that something was wrong. The nurse's office isn't locked unless she isn't here, and literally, the whole school knows she's in there right now.

Imagine if my fated tried to get into the nurse's office, couldn't open the door due to it being locked, and went to the office about it? It would be a whole mess.

Snapping out of my shocked daze, I begin to run after him. Probably not the best idea since I've probably scared him enough today, but I wasn't going to just let him go.

I tried to keep the sound of my steps silent, wanting to avoid making a lot of noise and getting caught by a teacher for disrupting a class. It wouldn't take much to get unwanted attention. Having two students pass out most definitely put the school in a slight panic. I have to admit, my fated is a fast runner, but I was slowly gaining upon him. If it wasn't for the softest sound of his naturally quiet footsteps, I doubt I would have been able to know which direction he ran in. It helps that the hallways are empty, leaving only one set of footsteps in the halls. I made myself run faster, risking the noise factor to catch up to my fated.

This would honestly be a whole lot easier if my fated would just stop running.

My legs slowly began to feel the effects of running, making me question why these hallways are so unnecessarily long. Even though we've made a few turns, I've expected this hallway to end by now. It appeared that I wasn't the only one who was beginning to feel the effects of running. My fated's steps were starting to slow, as he clearly didn't expect to run for this long. If he were anybody else, meaning not my fated, I wouldn't have followed him. It isn't every day that you find you're fated, some never do. I wasn't going to give up my fated when I was lucky to find him in general. My fated was a gift that I do not plan on giving up.

Time P.O.V

I ran. It is something people do when they are frightened, a fight or flight instinct that everyone has. In any other case, I probably wouldn't have run. I would have used my ability in my defense, but my nose bleed and headache were completely against the whole 'defense with powers' idea. I probably would have passed out if I attempted to do anything magic related. I might not know a lot about Marcus, other than the whole ex-boyfriend of Jordan, and the magic thing. But I don't think either really explains why he was in the nurse's office standing over an unconscious nurse.

And he looked at me like I was the crazy one.

I know he isn't human, so he had to have done something to make the nurse faint, and if I didn't knock Jordan and Lainny out then, I would ponder whether or not he had done something to them as well. I had wanted to poke into his mind for the sake of knowing what type of magic wielder he was, so I would know how to protect myself against him. I'm glad I didn't, I smartly managed to avoid poking a sleeping bear.

Who would have thought that I'd end up running for my life away from a magic wielder? If you had told me that I would be, I would have laughed at you. It wasn't every day that someone chases you down the hallway. I was lucky that I knew this school like the back of my hand, a part of my life of being a borderline stalker. I just have to get out of the school without Marcus catching me.

Anything to get away from Marcus.

I don't think he's a bad guy by any means, even if he does look like one right now. Last time I checked, it isn't normal for peers to chase each other throughout the school. He has to be chasing me because he had been up to no good.

I knew I was managing to run quietly; I could only thank my shoes for the lack of sound. I could very faintly hear Marcus's footsteps, and it wasn't because he was far away; on the contrary, he was closer than I'm comfortable with. I kept my head down, and my breath steady. I couldn't help but let my mind wander to how this could go wrong in many different ways.

I don't think I could stop running even if I wanted to. Running seemed like the only option available at the moment.

I should have been looking to see where I was going, because the moment I pushed out the doors of the high school, I immediately crashed into something, no someone. A someone that caught me and stopped me from falling.

I looked up from the ground to lock gazes with the person who managed to catch me, and I found myself unable to look away.

He has very pretty eyes for a werewolf.

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