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Time P.O.V

For a couple of seconds, Jordan didn't even notice me. Her focus had been locked on Grayson, before eventually shifting to Marcus. During those few seconds of her distraction, I couldn't help but panic. How could I explain anything without screaming that I was a mind-reading freak? There was nothing that I could say that would truly justify the blackmailing that I attempted to do towards Jordan. My reasoning with the whole, the truth should be revealed, wouldn't matter much to any of them. The truth was that I was noisy and wanted to know more about whoever Jordan's best friend was, and ironically, it ended up being Grayson. How ironic was that?

I never before feared my secrets getting out, which was even more ironic considering how much I loved to spill other people's secrets in the name of the truth prevailing when I refused to have my own truth prevail.

How in the world was I going to be able to keep my mind-reading hidden? I kept that part of me a secret; no one knew about it because no one needed to. No one knows, and I plan on keeping it that way if I can. There was nothing I could say that would make anything that I have done even remotely okay, mind-reading powers or not. I know that the moment Jordan opens her mouth, everything would fall apart. They might be nice to me now, but I have a feeling it would go away. That they'd see me as a manipulative freak, even if that was what I was.

When Jordan finally noticed me, her eyes widened drastically. She jumped off the bed in a flash, a mixture of anger, panic, and confusion filled her eyes. She had to hate me. There was no way she didn't. The mixture turned to pure anger as she turned towards Grayson, who knew her best.

"I'm not going to ask why you brought my ex here, but why did you bring that b*stard with you?" Jordan asked, glaring at me with her cold eyes. She does have every right to despise me. I can't say she doesn't.

The word b*stard seemed to catch both Marcus and Grayson's attention, their eyes locking on Jordan, strange looks appearing on both of their faces. If I didn't know any better, I'd assume that the look was a defensive one. They won't have that look on their face when they know why Jordan considers me a b*stard.

Unlike any other time, I was going to let her say it. I couldn't have knocked her out like before, but what would that accomplish? I need to start taking responsibility for the things that I've done in the name of spreading the truth. I deserved to be seen as a horrible person for blackmailing people.

"B*stard? Why are you calling him a b*stard?" Grayson asked, a confused look on his face. There was a glint in the boy holding me's eyes as if he had a suspicion about why his best friend hated me. Would he still hold me if he knew the whole story? Marcus side-glanced me; a similar-looking confused glance appeared on his face. This was about to blow up in my face, and I can't do anything about it.

Even if that means I'm going to walk home with a messed up ankle.

"Because he is one!" Jordan screamed, glaring at me more intensely than before. "This is the guy who thought it would be funny to tell the whole damn school that I . . . had cheated," Jordan said, her voice fading out towards the end as she glanced over at the boy she cheated on. She did cheat; I was just the person who happened to tell everyone about it.

I could feel all the eyes in the room move towards me. For the first time, I was really feeling bad about doing it, not because of Jordan, but because of Marcus. Did he actually care about Jordan? Did it hurt him when the two of them broke up? Why do I care about Marcus? Earlier today, I saw him as a creepy stalker! Where did that opinion go?

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